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Everything posted by lilac100

  1. I like the carrot Idea. I might have to add that to my cookies and milk this year.
  2. I'm close to Santa Clause, In so I usually run them there to send out. Nice post mark.
  3. I don't have a set limit. I have two boys one is 15 and the other is 8. They both get such different things instead of trying to spend the same amount on each I try to make is so they get the same number of things. My dh says I spend way too much (and I do) but he worse then I am. I will think I'm done and he says did you get Gibson the cool little drum set he wanted. NOOO back to the stores I go.
  4. If there is a freebie I think would be good in the stocking I will put it in.
  5. Yankee Candles Sugar Cookies
  6. We have a weird tradition in my family that I just love. About 2 weeks before Christmas we put small things in the stockings. A piece of candy, a yo-yo, things like that, but every year I put my own spin on it by writing a letter from Santa on the computer and putting it their stockings. My youngest son really loves it. He feels special Santa wrote him a personal letter saying he was working on the specific toy he wants. What kid doesn't want to hear "Jordan I have three of my very best elves working on your Star Wars Millinium Falcon. If you are still on the my nice list at Christmas, I'm sure it will be ready for you under the tree.
  7. I'm so excited. I have the whole week of Thanksgiving off. I get to bake cookies and pies and cakes. Then I can do my pre-thanksgiving cooking. Things I can prepare and then just throw in the oven on thanksgiving. YEAH. Usually I work night shift and don't get off work until 3:00am Thanksgiving day. I'm going to cook: Ham candied yams dressing mashed potatoes chicken and dumplings rolls mac and cheese green beans philly piminto cheese dip and a whole lot of other things that I can't think of right now.
  8. I'm gonna guess the playstation 2 will be a doorbuster this year, with the ps3 coming out. At least it would be nice if they were.
  9. I bake coconut cake for my Dad every holiday I can. I make different candies and cookies for work. I also make my mother and mother-in-law a piminto cheese dip that I put on celery and ritz crackers. I wear myself out with cooking and work.
  10. I have a small room under my basement staircase. We have a padlock on it because my husband keeps his saws and sharp tools in there. We put the gifts in there. I keep track of everything on a pad of paper that I keep locked in the glovebox of my car. That way I can pull it out as I shop and write everything down and the kids never think to look in the glove box.
  11. I buy them for my father-in-law. No not as a cruel joke. I go to Mark's popcorn. They are a specialty store around here. You pick the tin. Then you decide what popcorn to put in it. They have around 50 different popcorn flavors. It is always fresh and the caramel corn is to die for.
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