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Everything posted by tdanette

  1. Those prices sure didn’t last long!
  2. Anyone remember BEST? Got my first boombox from there lol
  3. If you don't get what you want, hang out at customer service for a bit. We get carts of stuff from the registers pushed up there to sort through. Chances are you'll find what you want.
  4. Code GIFTBOX at JCPenney will take $10 off, it's also good in-store.
  5. Nope, they won't price-match ebay.
  6. The cashier can't override a price difference of that amount. The CSS will have to do it and yeah, they are going to (supposed to) look that item up. Since you can't use coupons on price-matched items, I highly doubt they will do so for a rebate. My store wouldn't.
  7. No you can't. Layaway won't be open during the sale times. Sorry ETA Sorry I thought you meant during blitz. Any other time I would think so as long as it still meets layaway criteria.
  8. Instead of cash, I use the prepaid American Express since it has no monthly fees and no fees to load/unload it (if I do this at Walmart). It's a great way to save for the holidays. I'll continue to use my credit cards since those have protection.
  9. I'm using the Bluebird also to double my money back. It has no fees and either way (Bluebird or egiftcard) the money has to be spent at Walmart so why not?
  10. Got my new granddaughter some onesies for next summer for .97! They also had skirts and shorts for .97. They were just marking one table down further so ask b/c they hadn't been put in the system for the new sale price yet.
  11. I don't believe the ticket had to be purchased right at that moment because I rang up a few but I do think they had to be rung up within an hour. They thing was last year ALL of the merchandise came online at the same time (at least at my store) so everyone already had their carts ready. They just needed to grab a ticket real quick and checkout.
  12. I LOVE National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation and all of the oldie cartoons- Rudolph, Santa Claus is Coming to Town, etc. Another biggie for me is the Little House on the Prairie episode where all their family is gathered around telling stories of Christmas past and they get snowed in. I have that one on DVD along with the episode where Mr. Edwards crosses a frozen creek and all kinds of stuff to bring the girls presents. *sigh*
  13. Peebles is like Belk or JCPenney imo. They usually have %-off coupons in their ads and printable online. The ones in this ad are even good on clearance, just not the doorbusters. Bummer on the Columbia Jackets. This looks like the whole ad, not just a sneak-peek.
  14. It's a pretty big sneak peek too! https://www.facebook.com/ShopPeebles?sk=app_659614547412476
  15. Hang out at customer service. They bring cart loads of left stuff up during the rush and soon after.
  16. Walmart was a nightmare when it came time to check out last year iirc. I usually go with Amazon for must-haves, the rest I chance when I go out.
  17. Find the Targeted Solution for Your Hair Get a FREE SAMPLE of Shampoo, Conditioner or Treatment Free Sample Loreal Paris Advanced Haircare
  18. Habitat for Humanity stores are great. Don't forget to check the Free section of Craigslist (you never know). And if you can wait a little while, yard sales might be another option. Kmart and Sears offer layaway (and over $300 Kmart gives you 12 weeks)
  19. In the the hubbub over presents, I neglected to make my grocery list! I did get the ham yesterday, hopefully that counts for something lol.
  20. kkpt, when you sign up through the 3-month link and use the code RUNNER, it directs you to fill out the form and at the end it says click here for your 1 year free membership (something like that). HTH!
  21. TY! I've been wanting to try this.
  22. They should have, since the date for the online PMing runs until 12/16. I do understand the problem with the item not being in-hand but they shouldn't have been rude.
  23. Andrea, did you have the 3DS with you? If you had the ad, the item, and the receipt, why didn't they just do a return/exchange and give you the difference????? That's what I would ask for next time.
  24. A box of microwave popcorn and the movie Scrooge.
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