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Everything posted by linda050103

  1. AWESOME!! Do you know what day the sale starts? Are they for the VSmile?
  2. YAY I'm so excited about my Perimeter Perusing finds today!! I've been on the hunt for a crock pot and just happened to find one today at my Target. It's a 5 qt. Rival that retails for 34.99 and was marked down 30%. The sign said 50% off so I got it for 17.98!! YAY!! I also found an electronic scale (reg 29.99) for 7.48. GOTTA LOVE TARGET!!!!
  3. OMG I loved it!! I worked retail for 5 years. Matter of fact, my first day ever working retail was BF. It's a blast! You get to help others spend their money
  4. Went to Target last night and I got my little one a new lunchbox for 2.74, 2 shirts...one was 1.98 and the other was 1.12. Got a few other things at great prices too!! Gotta love Target!
  5. is the online sale the same as the regular BF sale for TRU??
  6. do you have any idea how much they will be, or the size of them?? I really want a tv this year
  7. Ours had all of the BF items wrapped in black trash bag type of stuff and sitting on pallets. We just stood by those and the associates tore the trash bag stuff off when the sale started.
  8. Last year I didn't spend very much at all. I wasn't thrilled with the toy ads at all and I am hoping it's better this year!
  9. Usually it's on the endcaps. Sometimes, you will find clearance throughout the aisles depending on how much clearance they have. If there is a lot of things marked down, they will be in the aisles because there isn't room on the endcaps. Good Luck!!
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