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Everything posted by gijimenez

  1. I heard that this house was hazardous.
  2. I would get the money and then rush to the mall. The PX always has good deals and not only that NO TAXES. And besides you can go the mall after I am sure you will still find some of things if you didn't already find it at the PX.
  3. gijimenez

    Scene It Game

    Have never tried the shout game maybe I would since its cheaper. I still get new questions in the scene game altought the sour losers have said that I stay home all weekend just memorizing the answers.
  4. gijimenez

    Scene It Game

    I love this game. We have family night every weekend and let me say that I am the Scene champion. I can answer the questions before they finnish the question.
  5. BF isn't BF without asking while in the cold when are they going to let us in.
  6. I have never heard of this but sounds like a good idea. I hope TRU does this so my son can join in the fun.
  7. My son will be so excited and will start asking away no doubt.
  8. Macys has very good sales on BF. Just cause they are expensive during the year don't rule them out on BF.
  9. I love costco but I hope there are better deals than this or I won't stop there on BF.
  10. The race packs don't last long and then they are all over the place. I don't get them for my son. I am trying to get rid of the ones he already has although he always puts up a fight.
  11. I do it myself. Its one of the best part until I can't find the tape or the scissors LOL.
  12. Costco has a good deal on wireless remote controls four for like 34.99 but they are the generic type which I think all work the same anyway.
  13. I know that right now the PS2 are cheaper because PS3 is coming out. Or buy one on EBAY. People are trying to sell them and put that money towards the PS3.
  14. When I worked at Macys we did that and its an early or late night thing. But it works out. Unfortunetly I don't know anyone. Anyone in Jersey works at these dept stores please invite me.
  15. Well with gas prices nowaday I don't know about that. What ever I save on gifts I will pay in gas.
  16. At least TRU is right in front of the Mall. So I will be around the area. Walmart is so far. My hope is that I can get what I want from TRU online.
  17. Is it better to go to the mall or separate stores like WM, TRU, or Target. Aroung where I stay the Malls don't have these. But the Malls have so much stores in one place.
  18. gijimenez


    I doubt they will be on sale this year maybe because they have the new gameboy micro. You never know.
  19. Is the Walgreens scanned ad out yet I want to see how the 6 foot christmas tree looks.
  20. TRU, I love Target but its so far. I am happy with WM.
  21. gijimenez


    In the WM ads they specify which items will be available online.
  22. 7 sets of grandparents:g_clap: They are lucky and probably spoiled.
  23. I go overboard on Christmas but I only spend on children I don't give adults anything
  24. I miss the PX and no taxes you guys are so lucky. Makes me want to join again.
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