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Everything posted by gijimenez

  1. Big Lots 18 miles away from me. I hate driving far.
  2. This is so cool and you can use it online too. Double savings
  3. My neighborhood yesterday had 50% of the houses with christmas lights and decoration already. I was like wow can you wait for Halloween to pass first. Don't get me wrong I love the christmas lights but really in October?
  4. I get excited about the ads cause its clearer and it confirms what I was already planning.
  5. We just can't get enough. The sad part most of us are waiting for TRU. I remember when I waited for stores like Macys to get those DKNY boots. Now I am waiting to see if the Roboraptor goes on sale. LOL
  6. Have not spent a dime I refuse not until BF
  7. My sons school wanted costumes. I wish I had know earlier
  8. I have been very nice. I hope Santa agrees with me.
  9. This is a great deal my PS2 stopped working and I was looking to buy one on E-Bay but this is even better.
  10. I know for sure that my TRU won't do it
  11. I do this because I like to save things you never know when you will need a gift last minute.
  12. Whats wrong with HP? I have one never mind its not working but it did good before the virus?
  13. Which page said that. It would be great if it was true. I like that the wm ad tells you specifically which item is going to be on sale on line. I didn't notice with sears. I want the christmas tree for 79.99.
  14. I went to order it on Amazon the the reviews from a few parents said it sent electrical sparks or something of that nature. Also I think you can get a one day pass to costco at Customer Service. I am a member but they do offer the one day pass. Lourdes
  15. gijimenez

    Nintendo DS

    Get the bundle its a best deal.
  16. I love target but its so far. If I had a super target then it will be worth it.
  17. I usually don't because I am broke but I am going to try to save some money to shop on that day.
  18. Roboraptors is a big item this year. It a remote control dinosaurs and its sensored. Nice. My son is going crazy for it.
  19. gijimenez


    I love pumpkin pie.
  20. I hope they do that way I can go there before any other store on BF. If they have a good sale I need a new hard drive for my laptop.
  21. I like a silver and gold tree very elegant.
  22. A Christmas Story I can't wait until Christmas they give it all day on TNT.
  23. You'll have to be a five year old girl to understand
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