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Everything posted by decafmom

  1. No line in the GS area for me, and no problem price adjusting. When I purchased my items on Tuesday I paid for all BF items on one receipt so all I did was hand it to the gal and asked for an adjustment on each item. They also even price matched Radio Shack's PS3 controller price which saved me an additional $9.64. I love Target today.
  2. Called my Target and they said YES, as long as I come in on Friday they will price adjust.
  3. But did they let you return it and buy it right then and there? If so, I'm not too worried.
  4. Was just thinking - they can't really change their policies now, can they? If I purchase items today, aren't they bound to their policies that were in effect today?
  5. I bought my BF items today. They will be in the car with me on Friday. Should they not price adjust, I will return them.
  6. We bought our tickets on eBay a few years back. I don't remember how much they were, but I remember it was a significant savings. Someone recommended the seller, so I was comfortable buying from them.
  7. Their pricing was reasonable compared to other quotes I had received. We have high quality berber throughout the house, but it is very light in color. We have been in this house almost 8 years so we decided to replace the great room carpet as it was beginning to look worn in the high traffic areas. I wish I had stuck with my gut and gone with the local place. The berber that they installed is cheap. I would have finished this thought earlier, but when I posted I was on hold with the doctor's office and he said if I could get there by 11:30 he would see my son before lunch so I cut my post short. :)
  8. I used Empire about a year ago. They use contractors to install the carpet, so you never know who you're going to get to install it. I am completely NOT impressed with the quality of the carpet or the installation. I regret using them.
  9. We have cruised with Royal Caribbean and Princess. We prefer Royal Caribbean. The kids had an awesome time and the staff was very well trained and the kids loved them.
  10. Our stores already have their summer things out as well. With the weather we're having it doesn't seem like such a stretch to see it on the shelves.
  11. That's good to know. I didn't know that. We just got a Goodwill store a few months back, but I have not been impressed with them. I think their prices are way too high. For example, there was a used air mattress for $20. No thanks.
  12. Not a TV, but I have a friend who had purchased a digital camera and returned it without a receipt. He said they had used it for about two months and started having problems with it. Costco was able to pull up their account and see that they purchased it there and gave them no problem with returning it.
  13. Today! It's all down and put away. Whew!!
  14. decafmom

    New Years?

    The party is at our house this year. The kids will be here too. We're fixing prime rib and lobster on NYE - I can't wait! On New Year's Day we'll have black eyed peas and rice.
  15. OMG, Kaysar went crazy yesterday with his stocking. He was completely overwhelmed. He has never hidden things, but we found him trying to find hiding places yesterday. It was hilarious. He definitely had a good Christmas!
  16. I think your day sounds lovely. We always have a slow paced Christmas even though we have five kids. We stopped the madness years ago. For us, it just wasn't worth rushing everyone so that we made it everywhere. Families change and we've all adjusted. We don't leave home until 12:30, and that's just for a short drive to the il's for dinner there. Our kids are 24 (he's married, so dil too), 19, 18, 13, and 6. Our kids enjoy being home and not hurried out the door on Christmas morning. Cute pic of your dog, btw!!
  17. Unfortunately I woke up at 2am and couldn't go back to sleep. The rest of the family didn't get up until 8am.
  18. I like this idea! You could also add some grapes to go along with them.
  19. I'm done shopping for gifts, but my oldest and I are going shopping today. We're also having lunch at PF Changs and going to see The Pursuit of Happyness. I need to find him a sport jacket, there's a book I need to get, and I need a new sifter, so we have several stops. Oh, I want to go to Wild Oats and Costco too - he'll be thrilled with two extra stops. LOL
  20. My oldest is also getting 10 things of chapstick. He is on Accutane and it dries out his lips something terrible. He's always had chapped lips, but they are really bad now and he goes thorugh Chapstick like crazy!
  21. Nice looking family. Thanks for sharing.
  22. Lottery tickets! It's fun each year to watch them all scratch them off in hopes of winning a few dollars. Gift cards also get put in the stocking, so they always look forward to them. :) This year the youngest's stocking is getting a Pokemon fitted sheet and pillowcase that someone sent me for FREE!!
  23. I would not take that for an answer. I would call Serta directly if you don't get anywhere with the local place.
  24. Of course! He's part of the family too. Kaysar will get a stocking filled with treats and toys and Boo is giving him a new set of Nylabone keys as those are his favorite! His treats include some special treats from the dog bakery we visit.
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