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Everything posted by Tracy72

  1. I got in but nobody was there...darn...lol
  2. I get the rest of mine done that day....I do all hubbys that day since he is not with me....I have already got like 10 gifts already stored away...lol
  3. Tracy72

    BF Pet Peeves

    my pet peeve is they rush the door after standing inline for hrs...grrrrrrrrrrrrr.....they just walk all over you to get in the door
  4. lol...yes.....I keep picking it up and putting it down then finally I say heck with it I think i deserve it stay at home with the kids..lol.
  5. we have way to many to buy for....we get for like 20 people ....sheww way to many...lol
  6. Yeah that is what she wants...lol...and those doodle bears are cute too..now I hope that Angelic is one of those toys that go on sell on Bf sale...lol..
  7. I am just to nice for this day...lol... I always let somebody in before me...I let the other person get the cart...lol...I have been going for 7 yrs ..you think I would have learnt by now to fend for myself...lol
  8. my 3 yr old just told me the other day she wants that angelica doll that has makeup to put on...so know I just have to find what she is talkingabout...lol
  9. I use the baby latches on the carts to latch my purse in the seat and put my coat and a bunch of other stuff so you never see my purse...lol..most times I just take my wallet with me...depends on my mood that early in the morning...lol
  10. Hey...I never thought of this....heck this yr I am taking to put it in then go back and get a cart...lol..Thans for the tip:g_dance:
  11. I was really disappointed in walmart last yr...I do hope the do it better this yr...it is a mess getting in the doors...they all rush....what sense is it to have a line....geeze
  12. got to get a good deal on 2 portable dvd players this year for my 3 and 9 yr old....hope there is a good deal outthere
  13. My first time was in 97...my baby was 17 months and I took her with me...she did very good too...but from then on I leave the girls with dh...my day to shop all by myself..lol
  14. I take my van with me...lots of room in there..lol
  15. lool...Oh I know just what you mean....since I got the email the other day I have been getting so excited to go..
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