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Everything posted by mesarobins

  1. Great idea, I was watching something on TV today where they made a lap desk with a cutting board and a throw pillow/cushion.
  2. How much do you want to spend? Does he have a lot of music already that you would want to download or would he be buying music?
  3. My dd and I want to go see "So You Think You Can Dance" on tour. I can get tickets when they go on sale through Ticketmaster this Saturday, but I know there is a pretty sizeable fee per ticket ($7.50?). Other than going to the venue where the show will be held (40+ miles from my house) to purchase tickets is there another way to avoid the fee or to get a better price on tickets?
  4. DSi for dd 12 Maybe a laptop for dd15
  5. See this thread for other opinions: http://www.forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=138073
  6. PM me, I have one or two (depending on expiration date) I would be happy to send you if you can use them.
  7. This looks like a scanned coupon to me. Has anyone tried using it? I'm wondering if it is truly available over the web.
  8. I love AG but it is a pet peeve of mine that they don't have any Asian girls in their historical line. The closest thing is Ivy who is Julie's BFF, but no main character. My girls are pretty much past the doll stage now, but it would have been nice for them when they were younger to have a doll like them.
  9. I miss Cotton Blossom, while I like Sea Island Cotton, it's just not the same. B2G2 seems like a pretty good deal to me, especially when combined with a $10 off $30 coupon from the reciept, I guess I haven't been doing BBW long enough to know better.
  10. Yeah, I discovered that fortunately before I had purchased the gc's. That kind of stinks. Thanks for letting me know. I will check out Lowes prices and see if I can find a coupon.
  11. I have to buy a new washer, I have already picked out the one I want (an Amana front loader). I am buying it online at Home depot through Upromise so I will get the 3% back, I have a code that will get me 10% off, I am going to buy gift cards at Safeway to make the purchase since I was planning on paying cash anyway, that will get me gas rewards of about $.40 a gallon. Any other thoughts about other things I could combine with this to get an even better deal?
  12. Left a comment, you must be a very proud grandma, she is very sweet!
  13. You might need to replace it - eventually, but like everyone else I think they could fix it so it will work for now. My house is 23 years old and the original a/c (heat pump) is still working and that is not unusual and it definitely gets a workout (think 6 months of the year running continuously)! Also check to see if your utility co. offers any kind of rebate for buying a more energy efficient unit. According to a flyer in my utility bill this month there is also a federal tax credit of up to $1500 for qualifying new systems put into service btwn 1/1/09 and 12/31/10.
  14. Love it, can't wait to tell my dd - she'll probably just roll her eyes at me!
  15. What the heck - I'm going to give it a try. I need laundry detergent anyway and I still have a $5 GC for Sears that I got free. I'll let you know what I think, I'm pretty loyal to Tide where laundry soap is concerned so this is a chance, but if I really don't like it I'll give it to my mom she'll use anything!
  16. I got a flyer in the mail for 1800contacts.com has anyone ordered from them before? Are they reliable? I haven't priced them out yet, but a good price from someplace unreliable is not a good price, so I'd like to know about others experiences.
  17. Thanks for that tip about Vision Direct, and especially for the rebate that will definitely help (only $20 rebate for hers, but still good). I will definitely check out WM prices on the solution.
  18. DD 14 just got contacts lenses for the first time (Acuvue Oasys). Where are the best deals on new lens and solution (Complete)? Are there ever coupons for either? TIA
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