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Everything posted by mesarobins

  1. Wow, thanks OP! I loved my Senseo that I got for free and was soooo sad when the pump quit out of warranty.
  2. I tried it and it took them all! Whoo-hoo! Basically got the 2 Excedrin for free and with enough oop on other items that I can submit my $4.xx total to my Flexible Spending Account for reimbursement.
  3. I have 2 CVS coupons for Excedrin. One is $5 off any 2 (no size or $ amt specified), the other is B1 80 count, get a free 24 count. Anyone know if I can use both of these together?
  4. Thanks OP! I don't mind paying the shipping because my dinnerware pattern is no longer stocked in stores, plus I know that these are heavy items. I've been needing some more dinner plates and they were buy 3 get one free, which brings me back up to service for 8 again with one to spare for the next time someone drops a dish accidently.
  5. We go to candlelight service at church and then come home and watch "It's a Wonderful Life" and the kids shake their heads cuz I cry at the end everytime.
  6. I don't think the frames are lame, especially if no one does big gifts. Are you close to either couple? If so then the dinner GC might be a better choice. What is he concerned about if they don't give "better" gifts.
  7. Put in a disputed charge notice with your credit card company right away!
  8. http://www.musicarts.com/ Enter promo code HOLIDAYTEN Expires 01/15/10
  9. I grew up in Michigan, everything was wrapped from Santa or Mom & Dad. I never heard of unwrapped presents either! So of course I wrap everything still. That's the way it is at our house too. I agree it is more fun, also presents under the treee ahead of time is too much temptation. I remember my friends telling me stories when I was growing up of them unwrapping all the presents when my and dad were away and then wrapping them back up again. So ours are carefully hidden away at relatives, friends and neighbors or small items in places where they can't be found.
  10. I got ours from my church. We have one every year, they are gifts for children whose mom or dad is in prison. Each of my kids picks a child who is close to them in age.
  11. I've never done this. Do you have to pick the restaurant ahead of time? Do the certificates look nice or are they cheesy to give as gifts?
  12. None here yet, but I'm crossing my fingers its coming, I usually get them.
  13. Mods correct me if I am wrong but I think the only thing you can't post is competing sites. I think we would all like your recommendations, but it would probably be better in another forum.
  14. Yeah! Did this last year and was hoping for a repeat this year, thanks OP!
  15. They gave me a coupon in the store for a Signature item up to $13.50 so I got 7 products for the price of 3. Very happy!:)
  16. DD got an American Girl for her B'day. Is there a better (cheaper) place to buy clothes/accessories for the doll besides the American Girl website?
  17. That is very thoughtful of your SIL's to express their thanks in this way. I never host the holidays at my house (too small, too dirty ) I may take this idea. I know how much work it is to host and not to have to clean up the night before or the night after would probably be welcome.
  18. Inside the suitcases is where I store gifts for my dd's 15 & 12. I do like the idea of the storage boxes. I have some boxes in my closet that are clothes the older one has grown out of that I am saving for the younger one. I bet they would never notice an extra box in the closet if it was labeled like the others.
  19. What a great idea! I don't know why that thought hadn't occurred to me.
  20. I have a CVS Q B1G1 for Trident Layers and a Manu Q B1G1 for Trident Layers gum. Can I use them together and get 2 packs of gum free or do I have to buy 3 or 4? Anyone know?
  21. Thanks OP, was ordering for my dd bday, this will definitely help!
  22. OMG that is too funny. I would love to get these for our annual white elephant party, but not cheap enough.
  23. There is a case for making sure you have the ad with you if I ever heard one!
  24. Time to start keeping an eye open for coupons on those items to sweeten the deal.
  25. Sent you a PM, if you still need one - I have one to give.
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