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Everything posted by kmbrly

  1. Our sears is closing. Wonder if they will even have a BF sale. It was just announced yesterday. Sent from my iPhone using GottaDEAL
  2. And they have layaway. (The ones here do anyway)
  3. I make this super easy Chocolate Pie and adjusted it for my brother who is diabetic. Ingredients: 1 1/2 cup cold milk (I use 1%) 2 pkgs. (4 serving size) Jello chocolate flavor instant pudding & pie filling (I use Sugar Free) 1 tub (12 ounces) Cool Whip, thawed (I use Sugar Free here too) 1 prepared graham cracker crumb crust Directions: Pour milk into large bowl. Add pudding mixes. Beat with wire whisk 1 minute. (mixture will be thick. ) Gently stir in 1/2 of the Sugar Free Cool Whip. Spoon into crust. Refrigerate 4 hours or until set. Top with the remaining Cool Whip. Store leftover pie in refrigerator. (That is... if there are any leftovers)
  4. I only write 2 checks per month (rent and water bill), so I just order from Vista Print. You can get a book of 25 for free (just pay s/h which if I remember correctly was <$5).
  5. You can't upload images for signatures. When you go to edit your sig, at the very bottom of the page is what's allowed and what's not. Uploading images is next to last on the list. Signature Permissions Allow Basic BB Code Yes Allow Color BB Code Yes Allow Size BB Code No Allow Font BB Code Yes Allow Alignment BB Code Yes Allow List BB Code No Allow Link BB Code No Allow HTMLNo Allow Image BB Code No Allow Code BB Code No Allow PHP BB Code No Allow HTML BB Code No Allow Quote BB Code No Allow Smilies Yes Can Upload Images for Signature No Can Upload Animated GIF for Signature No
  6. I heard all stores are participating in Oklahoma too. Driving to Shawnee will be my closest Kmart I think. Not sure it will be worth the trip.
  7. I got one last week on bestbuy.com. It was an online only price of $180-something. I did instore pickup, still under $200 after taxes. but then I spent $20 for the protective case and $14 for the screen protector Looks like it's still on sale online. $183.99 http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Apple%26%23174%3B+-+iPod+touch%26%23174%3B+8GB*+MP3+Player+(3rd+Generation)+-+Black/8771732.p?id=1204332006293&skuId=8771732 Here's the screen protector I got: http://www.target.com/Skullcandy-Screen-Protector-Touch-SCTGBZ-02/dp/B002SJS7NS/ref=sc_qi_detaillink And this is similar to the protecive cover I got. (mine was only 19.99 and had a pink one and a white one) http://www.target.com/Incase-Protective-Cover-iPod-Touch/dp/B002SJZGK0/ref=sc_qi_detaillink
  8. lol. I ordered 2 before I realized it was for a set of 3. Guess I should read closer next time. I just thought they were so cute. I'll give a set to my sister and keep a set
  9. Thanks! I got the weekend bag, 2 of the blankets, and a watch for $17.96 shipped!
  10. It's showing different than when I looked yesterday. is what it's showing now.
  11. Below the $8.99 it shows $2.99 after applying discounts. If you add it to your cart and then go to your cart, it will show as 2.99 and show a discount of 6.00. I just tried it.
  12. Wow Thanks! I got a 4 or 5 year subscription a year or so ago, and wished at the time I'd gotten a subscription for my sister too. I'm gonna get this for her.
  13. My list is simple: 1. To spend the holiday with my family. This is the first Christmas in many years that I've lived closer than a 14 hrs. 2. A callback from one of the many jobs I've tested and/or interviewed for over the past few months.
  14. Years ago when you used to get little freebie gifts for applying for a store credit card, or opening a bank acct, my friend used to go around the mall and apply for all the store cards just to get the freebie gifts. That year I got a little hand towel for Christmas from where she applied for a JC Penney card
  15. If I go out at all it will be in Ft Smith, AR. I'm hoping to get what I'm looking for online.
  16. Same here.
  17. Me either. I tried every combination I could think of... changing O to 0, U to V, N to H
  18. That's 2 cents cheaper than OP's deal. I have to go by WM tomorrow. I'll have to see what they have on sale.
  19. Your Mileage May Vary.... pretty much meaning that it might or might not be the same price at your location.
  20. I found this info after a little googling. AR - Kmart to close Fort Smith store AR - Prescott K-Mart closing, Wal-Mart on hold FL - Kmart shutting its doors on Tarpon Springs, Port Orange & Venice Kmarts IL - South Point Kmart closing MI - Kmart To Close 3 Detroit-Area Stores MN - KMART Store Closing - Minnetonka, MN 20% - 70% OFF OH - Kmart to close Middletown & South Point Stores Obviously there are more not listed, because the OP mentioned a SC store, but this is what I've found so far.
  21. My sister just told me tonight that their Kmart in Ft Smith, AR is also closing.
  22. My 52" RCA Rear Projection TV from BF '06 is still working, so I'm thrilled with that. (I'm just not so thrilled when it comes to moving it... it's been from FL, NC and now OK)
  23. Do you have a Garden Ridge? There's a 5 pc Wicker Dining set in their ad for $99 (Reg $299.99) Also a small bistro set for $69 (Reg $129). http://www.gardenridge.com/weekly.aspx
  24. Pretty much like they are through the year... Not stocked on advertised items. You might be better off ad matching at walmart, if yours will do that. I think you can look in the BF archives and see the Kmart ads to see how their prices compare to other stores. ETA: Yeah, what Cindy said. lol
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