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Everything posted by scarface

  1. Wow, that home depot was a couple stores away from the Bestbuy i was at on bf. I wonder if the employees at BB did the same thing with the laptops.
  2. "Free Shipping 11/27 Cyber Monday" That right there is your cyber monday sale folks.
  3. Our bestbuy did this. But umm people would just put the ticket in their backpocket and get another. THis plan doesn't work very well.
  4. She can't let us know, i don't think shes bringing a laptop. But its still raining and cold here, hope that keeps people away.
  5. In the flyer it says 10 limit per store. Alot of stores vary.
  6. scarface

    Laptop at Walmart

    This "toshiba satellite" must be a cheapo laptop or something. Its the $250 one at bb, circuit city, now walmart. I think imma stick with the HP.
  7. I just noticed there isn't a chat room this year. I remember there were quite a few of us in there last year thanksgiving nite waiting to go out.
  8. I tried to lift up on the one black plastic pallets by the computers to see if it was the HP laptop and an employee caught me and was like HEY! you can't do that!.....blah:yuck: Edit : Oh and i know them pics aren't in great quality, i was trying to be inconspicuous and moving while takin the pic on my cell.
  9. Just went 15 mins from closing....they were stockin up all the shelves on everything. Then the "black plastic wrapped pallets'' came out. Saw the emachine computers on one because the guy scraped the plastic off on the door. They had a ton of them. Didn't see the laptops, i asked the guy there how many they had of them,he looked at me like...how did u know:rolleyes: and said i think the minimum is 10. Like that helped. Went onto look at the westy 32'' . There were 10 ppl there lookin at it. I asked...."so you all showing up friday....they were like hell yea!!!!." Guess i have to get their earlier if i want that because i only saw 6 up on the shelf:eyepoppin . Pics of the pallets wrapped in bows even. http://img168.imageshack.us/img168/2877/11220621331ua9.th.jpg http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/3910/11220621371ei3.th.jpg
  10. Well it seems other stores got wind of this "secret sale" so they are throwing in more deals. Hence the 249 laptop at BB. Wonder what other stores are going to throw in last minute deals.
  11. They must of heard about walmarts secret, so they are throwing in a cheaper laptop. I bet walmart will go for a 199.99 laptop now.
  12. Thanksgiving day. Usually a 7-11, krausers(general store open holidays).
  13. Is the laptop there now a different model # then the one on BF? Because when i went last year a week before to see the camera, they didn't have any out. The dude was playing stupid saying i don't think we have them in, and not to sure if they will be here by BF:rolleyes: . So im thinking all the BF model #'s on everything will be different then what they have now so they can't pricematch.
  14. i can't tell if these deals are with rebates or not. On another site the pc and the laptop has a thing next to it saying...after rebates. We need a clearer ad scan:(
  15. It got yanked.
  16. Didn't see any laptop on the BF ad. Only a desktop for 398.
  17. I put in a few zipcodes and wasn't available. It might say available or seem available when you click on the link, but then it asks for the zipcode and says not available.
  18. I haven't been to hershey park in ages. Looked like crap back in the day(heard it got better though). I always head to sixflags. Bigger and faster rides there
  19. ugh for a few days i didn't check on this section just the others. (&*#$@ . I'm a big ecko wearer and i miss this Hopefully they will have it again.
  20. i never even got an email on the email addy i used to sign up, i was going to ask about this tonite too.
  21. yeah i got the rebate from sandisk so did my brother. But we both got the 10 dollar ones back from officedepot saying only 1 rebate per household. I guess they are meaning my 75dollar camera rebate counts? Thats a ripoff, i could see one rebate per item but not one rebate on everything per household.
  22. On BF, went to officedepot and got a digital camera and sandisk memory 1gb card for it. Both had rebates. Brother got sandisk also. We sent them in. Me and bro got the sandisk rebates back with...."only one rebate per household". So they're saying anyone who got like different items in the store and sent in rebates that they could only use one?!? Thats a load of if you ask me. I can see if we only got one sandisk rebate back but not both being denyed. The camera one is still processing on their site So question to anyone is, has anyone got different items with rebates from ONE store sent them in and they pulled this? I could see if it was all the same item where the Limit 1 rebate per household, but not on different items.
  23. just signed up with a hotmail addy but suprised i didn't get any kind of email from them yet. Anyone get an email of any sort?
  24. happy new years from northern jersey <~ me last nite lol
  25. im in warren county but decided not to go to times square, to crappy out:no:
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