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Everything posted by tokanm

  1. this thread is slow i love the free books and apps....wish I knew how to post them
  2. I found Easter colgate toothpaste (watermelon flavored) but it wasn't on sale. It had Easter bunnies and eggs all over the wrapper....hmmm? Lots of clearance in electronics...musical instruments 70% off, fancy remote controls 70% off, random video games and music CD's also 70% off. There were many ipad cases, tablet cases all 50% off. Garmins 50% off, HP printers 50% off, blank dvds, cds 70% off too. More than I have seen in months I then found the Tyson honey battered chix fingers and hot wings 50% off <$2.00 per box. Tons of frozen seafood 50% off as well Mens dept had jeans and tshirts for 70% off as well. I have definetly found that it is best to get there right at 8:00am (opening) for the best selection. I even asked if they were redoing electronics and they said no just doing major markdowns. BTW there were many, many tvs for 50% off, not all floor models. I was told NEVER buy a floor model tv as they are on from 7:30 am till 10 pm without a break and the fact that they are on the same channel can hurt they pixels as well? I was actually told this by an electronics friend.
  3. I heard today on the radio that "Best Buy is going the way of Circuit City"
  4. Target clearance just ain't what it used to be lol sigh.....
  5. Didn't freebies and contests used to be very popular in the past? I wonder why the sudden loss of participation? hmmmm
  6. I thought the exact same thing. It is just too big
  7. acoustic and electric guitars, 2 types of electric drum pad sets, 2 different keyboards all 50% off here. George Foreman grills 50% off
  8. I am a fan of Birkenstocks or crocs
  9. great deal but shipping is $7.xx for standard shipping yikes!
  10. I wish I understood how this site was better utilized. I look at everything but don't get the whole pin thing etc lol
  11. I thank you too as does my wallet and credit cards, lol. I LOVE the chicken recipe/crock pot/WW one you posted earlier in the week....awesome stuff in there
  12. Iirc= if I remember correctly My cruise agent from Cruise One tells me that the "deals" are released/posted on Tuesdays and that is the best day to buy
  13. I did well at Macmall.com, they had some discount prices as well. I also went to Apple.com and found deals on refurbs. I have had good luck on refurbs with Apple. They are pristine and worked great.
  14. I saw $180 prom and formal dresses for $2.00 as well
  15. I always use cruiseone.com and they are great. Iirc it is cheapest to book on Tuesdays.
  16. $2.00 here, tons of stuff, tons of resellers literally buying 100's of items they just grabbed off the racks. Purses were $1.00 too. All winter coats were $20 and all boots were $15.
  17. Any new ones to post? This is a great venue and I have read several good books. Plus I love the cookbooks as well. Thanks. Keep 'em coming please lol
  18. The bodega items were marked down 15% off. I did well in linens, got an electric blanket for $10.48, pillow 2.24, space heater 2 pack $9.98. I also got a 2 pk degree deodorant for $2.28. Lots of shampoo, toothpastes etc 30-50% off. I scored some Cascade packs for the dishwasher for $3.xx for the 20 pack. Lots of things being marked down. All the clearance foods (frozen) are now consolidated into one freezer and the other foods on one end cap, very nice
  19. anyone? anyone? Bueller? All the googled ones are expired....arghhhh I HATE to pay full price for anything lol
  20. I have a new phone and want to buy a Lifeproof case for it. I can buy it at the store or online so I was wondering if anyone had any BB coupons? I prefer to buy it in store FYI, just to avoid shipping and get it sooner. tia
  21. thats a great deal:tongue1: i LOVE my kindle fire, just took it on a trip with me, so easy to use and carry around.
  22. Kohls had them on sale plus they take another 20-30% off most sales etc, etc. Also BBB and snag a 20% entire purchase coupon I wish I could try one to see what the soda actually tastes like before buying one
  23. Someone gave me a brand new (still sealed in the cardboard box) Fire. Either my eyes are worse than I thought or wow is the font small. Yes I changed it to the large font. I am still trying to play around with it and learn. Is there any site like Kindle Fire for Dummies? I am so not a tech person:blush: btw she gave me this as she had gotten 2 at Christmas and could only use the one.
  24. i believe QVC sells a high quality air purifier Oreck is the brand.
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