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Everything posted by magickallight

  1. PERFECT Gift! My daughter will get a kick out of this! - Plus, I wanted to get a cd with the 12% off - but it wouldn't let me get free shipping - adding this fixed that problem - GOTTA LOVE GottaDeal!!!!!
  2. Awesome deal! I could only find 1 style in my son's size that wasn't on backorder - but I nabbed it anyway - he will LOVE these! Can't beat that price when using Google - I LOVE this $20.00 off $50.00 Deal! Hope more stores do it!
  3. Missed out on EVERYTHING! Started feeling rough yesterday - and wound up at the Doctor's Office this morning with The Flu! (Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!) Thank goodness I have used this site to shop ALL year... but I really missed getting in on the bargains today! Glad to see that most of you got GREAT Deals! ... There is always next year for me.)
  4. Which sites put their deals online at midnight?
  5. My wallet and I BOTH thank you guys!
  6. Awesome Deal! I wouldn't mind playing with this, myself!!!
  7. I just got the cd, too! FUNNY STUFF!!!!
  8. Outside - Circuit Cirty - about 2 hours - Inside: TRU LONGER than 2 hours and WAY TOO many screaming kids in that store!!!! NEVER again!
  9. Where is the "None of the Above" catagory?!? LoL! I have never really run into a "Helpful and not harried" employee in my BF ordeals.
  10. If there was something REALLY GREAT... I would consider it - but thus far... there is NOTHING that would take me from my warm bed any earlier than I am already going to get up!
  11. I have been buying since January - most everyone is done - but I still have a few "bigger Gifts" to look for and stocking stuffers to get. (Over-bought for son - will have to put some back for his birthday... EASY yo get carried away with all the great bargains we see on here!)
  12. Welcome to Gottadeal! Glad you came on board! :)
  13. My DH wants us to leave the day after Christmas to drive from Alabama to Maryland to visit with his sister... I would love to do this - but, have 2nd thoughts about getting back just in time for school to start and having a house ful of decorations and Christmas mess to deal with... not to mention we have 3 VERY bad cats that would love to "un-decorate" while we are gone!
  14. My son does an excel file and auto sums so that he knows if he is asking for too much (not that that has stopped him! - LoL!)
  15. I have often wished that I could have someplace to store the tree already decorated and just bring it out... but somehow that would take some of the magic of Christmas away - if you really think about it. Sure - it's a pain lugging all the decorations down and putting them up and then taking them down again... but we only have SO MANY Christmas days in our lifetime... so, it's worth it - to me.
  16. How do you "Withdraw" from Christmas?
  17. Our stations start at noon the day prior to Thanksgiving. CAN'T WAIT! (I've had my Christmas CD's playing for over a month now!)
  18. I went with somewhat dissappointed, too... just doesn't DO IT for me this year!
  19. Clicked for you, Brad! :)
  20. If he knew - he wouldn't be my SO any longer - of that I am SURE!!!!
  21. Cooler stuffed with Turkey Sandwiches... nothing better!
  22. The robopet is also on sale for $24.99 with free shipping or in store pickup http://www.circuitcity.com/ssm/Wow-Wee-Robo-Pet-8096/sem/rpsm/oid/141371/catOid/-15589/rpem/ccd/productDetail.do Do you know if CC price-matches themselves? - I just bought it from them online a few days ago for $29.99!
  23. That is AWESOME! You are very blessed with that little boy!
  24. Put 4200 in their search window and it will show you the chocolate and gifts - click on the picture and add it to your cart. :)
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