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Everything posted by magickallight

  1. Me, too! - $14.99 is EVEN BETTER! Gotta LOVE Amazon! :)
  2. I found a ton of stuff! (That much less I have to haul around on BF!) Yeah!
  3. An Olde English Bullbog... but DH says "NO"!
  4. For Fairhope, Alabama: AVERAGES Hi 68°F Lo 47°F RECORDS Hi 81°F Lo 25°F It is going down to 38 tonight - so we are below average right now - but will be near 80 sometime next week - so, who knows... I'll take it as it comes - Black Friday only comes once a year!
  5. 24 years. (Boy, am I old!!!!!!)
  6. Just got my shipping confirmation and I had used the $15 off code. :) Yeah!
  7. How high is the shipping?
  8. I did and it worked great.
  9. Brad, you are ONLY 27?!? Man, I feel OLD!!!
  10. I have a van and take out the back seat to hold more STASH - only 1 trip needed (MOST Years).
  11. Karen, here from South Alabama - where BF is usually spent in shorts and a T-shirt... But, we MIGHT get to wear a light jacket for Christmas. (I was born in Pittsburgh and MISS the SNOW!!!!)
  12. I always put my ads in the van - and stuff the ones for the stores I am visiting at that time into my purse (take a LARGE on on BF... you'll need it!)... As for cash (ONLY enough for coffee - LOTS of coffee! and Lunch)... the rest will go on 1 credit card that I use ONLY for this day and pay off RIGHT AWAY... all other cards are left at home - that way if something happens and my purse gets stollen (God forbid - but it happens)... I would only have to contact 1 CC company - Also - when the credit is used up on the card I take... Time to GO HOME!!!
  13. I go home when the money runs out...
  14. My mom and I do the same thing! It is a lot of fun and gets us READY for the BIG Day... I can't wait!
  15. I bought one for my DH for Christmas last year - He LOVES it - makes english muffins with poached eggs all the time! It is perfect becasue he leaves for work at 3:45 a.m. and can grab something quick without waking the rest of us!
  16. http://anon.doubleclick.edgesuite.net/anon.doubleclick/brylane/brylane/BH/bh091106/bh_09-11_18.jpg Here is a picture (or part of one) so that you can see what it looks like... I just grabed one for a Great Gift item!
  17. Got my $50.00 Visa Rebate Card today... anyone else goth theirs yet?
  18. I grabbbed a poker set and a cordless screwdriver - after the coupon it was $.98 plus shipping - Good Deal!
  19. Sorry - this item is out of stock. Oh, well - I was too late... Great deal for those that got it, though! Congrats!
  20. Can't find the shipping charges on the site - anyone know how much shipping runs?
  21. Congrats to our new mods! Great Choises! Can't wait - only 100 more days! Yippppppeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
  22. Thanks! Just grabbed one for DH for his B'day - he's a "Tool Freak" and will LOVE it!
  23. I just tried this and it worked GREAT... SAVE $25.00 on a $25.00 purchase at www.DutchBulbs.com You only pay Shipping! Use code: NA5008S I grabbed some for my DH's B'day gift (he loves his garden)! Great deal while it lasts! Shipping was $8.95 for me - I grabbed 3 of their $5.00 specials and 1 of their $$10.00 Specials... can't beat that! :)
  24. Just nabed one! Had to get the White instead of the Black as the black takes 3 to 5 weeks to ship - but the White was in stock and will be here on the 29th (thanks to Prime) - in time for the rebate - so.... I made a penny and got a FREE Senseo! I Love Gotta Deal!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. How to get free shipping throughout jcp.com Good on orders of $49 or more: 1. After adding items to your shopping bag, proceed to the shopping bag page. Select "yes" under "Discounts" to indicate that you are using a promotional code. 2. Enter code 19COOKS in the "promotional code" box on the following page. Your discount, if applicable, will be reflected on the order summary page at final checkout. Hurry - ends June 13th. :)
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