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Everything posted by erh12275

  1. YES! I have tried for a few years to get my sister into it and NO LUCK. She thinks I am a nutcase. Course I think the same of her for paying FULL price for everything.
  2. Well I physically went to WalMart and Radio Shack. But I also purchased online at TRU and Sears. Also hit Kmart on Thanksgiving.
  3. We definately do. My parents were semi poor(got most of what I wanted but we never had a new car...etc). My husbands dad left when he was 2 and mom died when he was 11 so his grandparents raised him. They were extremely poor. So, we both want our children to have EVERYTHING.
  4. Well I bought the $15 one from sears last year and it fell apart on the first use. I was not happy.
  5. About how big are they? I mean I know what it says...and I see the pic..but what I really wanna know is what it will hold. How many little smokies?
  6. I would be happy w/ any of them..but really looking forward to Sears and TRU.
  7. Mine too....lol. She's had hers since she was 2.
  8. My daughter has had hers since she was 2. At first I questioned wether it was a good idea or not...but she actually watches less tv this way than when she didn't have one. My husbands cousin couldn't believe how little tv she watches...stating that's all her 3 yr old does. I think it's because when they watch YOUR tv you watch w/ them and they will be more still and pay more attention than if they have other distractions. Also...not sure how old you are but..tv's were ALOT more expensive back when I was a kid(80's) and I didn't have one til I was 9. I paid less than 100 for my daughters 20in on black friday back in 2001.
  9. Sounds like a GREAT idea. But they would have to start awful early...lol. NOT gonna take time outta my shopping to stop and eat. Now lunch deals...WE'RE TALKING!!!
  10. That is how it was in IL(near St Louis, MO) where I used to live. We got a monthly advertisement and WalMart was NEVER in our paper...not even for black friday. Wonder if it's like that here or if it's gonna be in the paper? I really don't need the ad...since I saw everything on here...but it just won't feel normal to me not to have one.
  11. Oh no you are talking about the email that Brad sent about the adscans being on the site...and yes it was something he sent. You have to be signed up here and you will get emails when new ads are available. Hoping someone else can tell you how. Maybe under profile?
  12. I had thought of this but the nicest place in town here is Dennys. And they are both in their 80's so I don't see them driving the 65 or more miles for another one.
  13. Thanks so much for this post. We just moved near his family and this year I have to buy for his grandparents as well as his cousins and their children. Been wondering what to get them all...hopoing for some great ideas.
  14. FONT="Garamond"]The question about the email ad reminded me....how do I get on their snail mail list? Will I be on it since I bought something online? We live in a town where the closest one is 65 miles. TIA.[[/font]
  15. The email one you can sign up for at their site. They have a few different ones. HTH.
  16. I used to do Kmart and Big Lots every year...but since we don't have a Big Lots here(and I am not driving 60 miles just for one) just gonna be Kmart this year.
  17. It's going to vary by store but I would say probably not. They probably won't wanna mess w/ a price adjustment. But I would say call and ask and make sure you get a NAME!
  18. I went to a different WalMart w/ my cousin one year. Didn't think it would be too bad cuz I didn't see nething I HAD to have. Well when they opened the door everyone in the back of the line(about 250 deep) started pushing. Some woman fell and they all trampled her. It was on the news and everything. And the worst thing was the police were there and couldn't even control it.
  19. Well my favorite store online store is Toys R Us but my favorite actual store is WalMart. Been going there for years on BF.
  20. She ain't gonna like this answer. I used to live in a town of 35000 and if we got in line after 4am you could bet you wouldn't be getting MOST of your stuff. By 4 I would be about 50th in line. So since you have more than double the people I agree w/ you. Have you thought about goin at 3 and havin her meet you later? Might be a good compromise.
  21. Sorry wish I could help but I have a 5 yr old, 3 yr old and a 1 yr old to buy for.
  22. I am sure that at least Best Buy and Circuit City will have one similar...however they will probably have a rebate attached to them of a couple hundred dollars.
  23. I remember back in 2000 my mom and I got freebies from Kmart and Walmart. Also remember back in 1996 my ex and I went to WalMart at 10am and they were still giving away their freebie(cookies in a tin). Things sure have changed over the years.
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