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Everything posted by noehlp

  1. All sold by Amazon w/ free prime shipping or SS shipping on $25 Barbie Designable Hair Extensions Doll List Price: $32.99 Price: $17.99 Only 19 left http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51OSXAhpoPL._AA160_.jpg Matching Toys R Us Prices per the ad scan: HERE Barbie Designable Hair Extensions Refill Pack List Price: $15.99 Price: $4.99 http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51NcJs3Bd2L._AA160_.jpg Nerf N-Strike Stampede ECS List Price: $59.99 Price: $19.99 BEATING Toys R Us price per ad scan: HERE http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41XJbLMAz6L._AA160_.jpg Bop It Bounce List Price: $21.99 Price: $5.00 Matching Toys R Us price per ad scan: HERE http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31ukmg%2BczuL._AA160_.jpg Bratz Bratz Masquerade Doll Finora Witch List Price: $21.99 Price: $9.99 Matching Toys R Us price per ad scan: HERE - though this is the only one for this price on Amazon http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51GwGJho4gL._AA160_.jpg Victorious - Tori Doll Zebra Print Dress List Price: $16.99 Price: $7.99 Matching Toys R Us price per ad scan: HERE http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51NBF8f-8EL._AA160_.jpg
  2. I didn't know there was a 7th generation iPod Touch. I think there's a 7th Generation iPod Nano 16GB coming up in a little over 12 hours and a Apple iPod touch 16GB (4th Generation). Click: HERE Choose category: Electronics Go to page 16 of 17
  3. Click: HERE Choose category: Electronics Go to page 11 of 18
  4. Great reminder bpr!
  5. For sure! I personally do NOT recommend it for kids at all to watch, but that's truly up to parents. But I do recommend that EVERY woman watch it and own it! lol
  6. Just bought mine! Magic Mike (DVD+UltraViolet Digital Copy) (2012) List Price: $28.98 Price: $7.99 w/ free prime shipping or ss shipping on $25 http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51Rv%2BMCKoQL._AA160_.jpg Magic Mike (Movie Only + UltraViolet Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) List Price: $29.98 Price: $9.99 w/ free prime shipping or ss shipping on $25 http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51DOAOpRIHL._AA160_.jpg Magic Mike (Blu-ray+DVD+UltraViolet Digital Copy Combo Pack) (2012) List Price: $35.99 Price: $12.99 w/ free prime shipping or ss shipping on $25 http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51mT6xKtN-L._AA160_.jpg
  7. Which item?
  8. Should be fully updated. Good job folks posting links.
  9. Add to cart buttons showing up (so far on several items) - get to shopping! That Nabi is back in stock too!
  10. Showing available again, at least it let me add it to my cart. hth someone
  11. Yikeys! I am seeing 'coming soon' buttons on a lot of BB items!
  12. Glad I could help!
  13. Here you go: HERE
  14. Nvm wrong store, lol sorry.
  15. I was looking at your pics and was going to say we really need to get banners or something, and then I saw it clearly on the last picture in the set. VERY nicely done! What did you use for it? Is it one of the bags?
  16. I'm gonna ask, were you all there today just checking out where the items you want for BF are going to be placed in the store? I miss doing that; it always felt like a pre-mission.
  17. lol. I've been trying to find something I want/need at great price today, but nothing pops out yet. I'm glad you were able to find something.
  18. I'm still able to add it to cart, were you able to? Or did you get stopped in the checkout process. (I am not ordering one, so I am not going through that process)
  19. I'm calling this one live! www.lowes.com
  20. I was on there when the sale first hit, and not once did I see a 32" for $97 - so they must have had very few available. Hopefully someone got one.
  21. Alright, thanks for letting us know!
  22. That means Brick & Mortar - basically the regular retail store you find in your town/city.
  23. What is everyone using the code for and buying? Give us some good deals ideas please.
  24. You can try that, but you may need to add it to your cart if they choose to dump carts when it goes live. Or you can just have that web page for the item up + when the sale goes live add it to your cart or refresh the page and add it.
  25. Yeah, keep an eye on that Nabi, it's been going in/out of stock.
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