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Everything posted by medicineman

  1. I would have considered the Lego Millenium Falcon set a doorbuster at $50 off the regular price except they had TONs of them.
  2. I dunno, maybe have enough of the items to last through the day and give out rainchecks when you run out and then call the customer when it comes in? If the store has crazy deals and limited supply insanity will ensue. About the best you can do is have staff placed along the line and make sure tickets and vouchers are handed out in an orderly fashion. Stores that have far less than demand are just asking for problems.
  3. So the lady got there at 3am and didn't finish check out until after 10am? Seven hours to score one deal? That just doesn't make any sense to me.
  4. A lot will also depend on when you went and which store you went to. Someone commented Target was out of stuff. The one I went to had the stuff piled high and deep.
  5. I agree this site is great. I was able to find everything I wanted in the stores ahead of time. It made shopping today very easy. I bought a cart full of items at Target AND got out the doors in 5 minutes!
  6. Tie between Circuit City and Best Buy for their doorbusters that you have to camp out for.
  7. Pretty much describes the entire Best Buy BF ad, doesn't it?
  8. I could have slept a little later since the local Target had TONS of the sales items. The line at Best Buy was so long that it isn't worth it on just a dollars per hour scale. If I have to wait in line 12 hours for what I feel my time off is worth there is no way I am going to do that. Pretty soon people will be at Best Buy from the time they close on Wednesday until Friday am.
  9. Here is the link to contact Target: http://www.target.com/exec/obidos/handle-generic-form/ref=ref-tag/602-2894819-9933437?action=next%2dpage&target=help%2fself%2dservice%2demail%2dform%2ehtml&display=tsq&browse=1041342&method=GET
  10. Target is the best big retailer out there period.
  11. I agree -- I went to Target Wednesday to scope stuff out and got my shopping done this morning in 4 minutes. They had ALL the registers open -- I was the first to check out. They had a lot of most of the items which is good because it means fewer frustrated customers. Now I just need them to open a Target in town so it isn't a 45 minute drive!
  12. I got to Target early because I could not sleep. They opened the doors at 6:00am. I got: Doodle Glow bear, Easy Bake Real Meal Oven, Lego Millenium Falcon set (wish I had gotten that one as a kid -- it is cool), GBA Finding Nemo, GBA Disney Princesses. Knew where everything was and checked out first at 6:04. Kmart: Went and got my 'misplaced' Legos for the buy one get one 1/2 off sale -- Lego Tie Fighter, Lego Jedi Starfighter & Vulture Droid. I was going to get some of the cheap PS2 games but they were handling the game cases in a dumb way and it would have taken an hour to get through there. They also only had half of the registers at the front open -- I guess they are i bankruptcy because they are dumb. Went to Staples to get the SD card they had on sale but the line to checkout was crazy as they only had 4 registers in the store. Went to Circuit city to find they were out of SD cards and PS2 wireless controllers. Stopped at Game Stop on the way home and picked up 2 of the greatest hits PS2 games for $30. Got everything I was looking for except the SD card and wireless PS2 controllers but they will both probably be on sale later on and weren't that big of a deal for me anyway.
  13. medicineman

    Any injuries?!

    WHile standing in line waiting for Target to open, the fire truck and ambulance showed up at Best Buy, which was not suprising as they had several hundred people in line. Later when I drove by Target heading home the ambulance and fire truck were there.
  14. You need to add Target. Target is miles ahead of both of these guys.
  15. I'm not a big fan of Best Buy either but do they still PM? Seems like you could PM AND get gift cards and come out pretty good.
  16. My Target.com ad has 2 items different! I have to give it to this site, the ads are VERY accurate and those 2 Target items are the only differences I have found.
  17. I had to make a list of misplaced items at several stores today. I'll have to go back Friday and make sure they aren't lost.
  18. This one? http://www.compusa.com/products/product_info.asp?ref=CJ&product_code=316430&pfp=BROWSE
  19. Now you can click for details but the price is wrong!
  20. The one I get at Target.com has a drum set on pg 10 and the scan has a camera. Also on p16 the Target.com version has a different clothing item on the right than the scan. I noticed because I was thinking of getting the camera in the scan for my Mom as a gift. Thought it was odd that the store I went to today had none except for the display. It may be that there are regional variations to the ad or something like that. The scan is still about 98% accurate though.
  21. Mouseover and the details will pop up. OP Thanks!
  22. These are gimmick items. You don't need a dock if you are running XP. Just plug the camera in and it recognizes it as a drive. You can drag and drop or cut and paste the shots onto your PC. As far as printers go you can get much better prints for much cheaper by printing them out at Sanpfish.com (via mail 11cents, pickup @ Walgreens 19cents) or Walmart.com for about the same price.
  23. They still had some at the store, unfortunately they were still scanning $99.99. Fortunately I made sure one will be there Friday (whoops I wonder how THAT got put THERE).
  24. medicineman


    They did have several of the item at the store, although I may have "accidentally" put one of them back in a "slightly" different spot than I picked it up at. I think I might need to go back Friday and retireve it so it doesn't get missed.
  25. That's what I have done. They just don't know when they SHOULD bend a rule. The stickler for me was when I went to visit my Grandmother. Someone had given her a printer for her computer as a gift. She didn't open it because she did not know how to install it, etc. When I opened it, the part of the printer where you put in the ink cartridges was broken in the box. I went to BB as the printer had a BB shipping label on it to EXCHANGE the printer for one that was not broken. I didn't want any money back, just a like for like exchange. It took me 2 hours and a lot of heated discussion with every link in the management team before they realized I was not budging until they exchanged the darn thing. It is totally ridiculous to treat customers that way. I could understand if I had wanted money back or an exchange for a different item, but an exchange for the same item that was not broken in the box -- that should be a simple transaction. I used to work in retail for a pharmacy and as a member of management if I had treated a customer the way they treated me I would have been looking for a new job. This was the second time I had been given a hassle when returning an item at a BB store, so I don't consider it to be an "isolated" incident. I reward their treatment by buying products elsewhere.
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