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Everything posted by msharpsteen

  1. Awesome deals! I got the roll-a-rounds catepillar, the sesame street sorter and blocks, and the tonka trash truck (my very weird son is obsessed with garbage trucks!!). Thanks for posting!!
  2. I don't know how desperate you are, but the Springfield MO store had quite a few on Saturday...I didn't check prices-no dogs here. That would be quite a drive though.
  3. It wasn't me Sat. but I have been looking for those blasted juice boxes almost everytime I go-have you had any luck? I wonder who the other GD'er is?? A lurker...maybe he/she will come out and say hi to us?!!! Thanks for leaving the illustory-I'm about to head out-hope it's still there!!
  4. Hey again neighbor! I assume you're probably going to the Springfield store?? I've found that ours seems to go through clearance pretty quickly, so I wouldn't bother with the January/early Feb. stuff. I can usually only find the things that have been posted very recently...I think that this store is pretty on top of it when it comes to marking down and then salvaging out.
  5. Bummer-this would have been awesome as I am due April 16th. It said that it was in stock and available for pick-up, but once I actually started check out it came up out of stock. Oh well, was a nice burst of excitement anyway...Hope some of you are able to get in on this one!!
  6. I cleaned up on diapers today. They had marked down the big boxes of Luvs to 13.98 (reg 19.99) and I had a whole pile of the $3 off coupons, making a 128 count box of size 4s 10.98-I bought 3 boxes! Our store only had size 4s and size 6s left. I would have bought them all, but just got what I could fit in my cart as I had my crazy 2 year old with me. Also got more of the Go Tools cars (he LOVES those!!).
  7. Hey shoppers! For all the other expectant moms out there-I think the big baby clearance has begun!! We were in Chesterfield (st. louis) for the weekend and the Target there had tons of great stuff marked down for babies-I saw the ocean wonders swing (full size-30% off), several strollers, and three different pack-n-plays (woo hoo for me-have been sitting on a giftcard forever to start baby shopping). I only checked prices on the pack-n-plays. They had an eddie bauer one for 90.xx that had the bassinet and changing table, a graco one for 48.xx with just the bassinett and mobile and a very cute evenflo with bassinett and nightlight/sounds for 48.xx-that's the one I snatched up!) They also had tons of clothes (probably 8-9 racks), but it was late and I was pooped from a long day at the Magic House with my 2 year old. I'm back home now (springfield, mo) and heading out to see what our target has in the baby section-will report any new finds!!
  8. I think the baby clearance is about to gear up-I saw a couple of clearance items already-a crib and a dresser (sorry I didn't get a price, I didn't need either and I was in such a hurry last night). Wanted to give all the new and expectant moms out there a heads up. I've been holding off on buying any gear for baby-on-the-way in hopes that Target would have some great buys right after Christmas when the new stuff for 2007 starts rolling out!! If anybody sees a red sticker anywhere near a pack-n-play, please let me know!!
  9. These are sold out in size 8 now-bummer!
  10. Awesome gift idea!! Just ordered one set-might have to order more...If you haven't seen this show, buy this as a gift for yourself. You won't regret it.
  11. UGH! Those flash drives at CC-it's the only thing that I really needed that I didn't get today. There were tons of people buying several (the lady behind me had at least 5) and they totally let it pass. Boo hoo for me. Staples was also out of the 1gb cruzers, but the manager did a substitution and I got a really nice 2gb for 29.98 and no rebate. Thought it was very nice of them to do substitutions on BF-I didn't think anyone did that!
  12. OK-this will be the first year I may attempt pricematching at WM. Most of the posts here talk about pm'ing lower priced things like CDs, DVDs and toys, but I'm wondering about higher end things (like an MP3 player in my case)-Does it still work and can I buy two?
  13. Target is the greatest place ever! If they don't have it, I don't need it...
  14. I guess I need to check my email before I come here-just had a fit because I didn't get these and there they were in my inbox all along!!
  15. We bought that for DS when it was $50 and he loves it! It's pretty good quality stuff-the desk itself was worth the $50 IMO. He also has the Imaginarium train table that often goes on sale and it all looks great together. I'd highly recommend if you find it, you buy it.
  16. I think that was a one week offer-I stocked up! Our target did mark the huge boxes (156 ct. for size 4) down to $22 and there was a $3 coupon in the paper a few weeks ago-That makes for a pretty good buy on diapers!
  17. I'll be 20 weeks along as well (when are you due pinkroses? We're 4/16)-nothing will stop me on BF! I plan to get up just as early as always, although 2nd trimester is cake compared to 8 mo. I'd maybe sing a different tune if I were that far along. Peeing would definately be an issue.
  18. Thanks so much for posting! I ordered one and hope it works-my 2 year old is crazy about his train set!!
  19. Awesome deal! Does anyone have one of these-wondering about quality??
  20. Does the 20% off code work for Babies-R-Us too? I need a new pack-n-play for baby on the way!
  21. I have this card and I love it-has a great reward program (lots of rewards/gc's to choose from/points add up fast)!
  22. I head home and force hubby to play "guess how much I paid for this one?"-he claims to hate that game, but I love it!! Then I get so excited I usually head back out for more shopping, just in case I missed something or shelves were magically restocked....
  23. I saw that all-in-one printer deal as well-that's the printer I have and I love it (paid $75 for mine I think, boo hoo). If you need a printer though, it's a great printer at a really great price!
  24. I think maybe it was a return from an online order-I haven't seen them at my Target until this one. I've noticed quite a few baby/toddler products lately that appear on the clearance stack that I've never seen regular price in the store.
  25. Woo Hoo!! I just got back from Target where I found a Britax Parkway booster seat for 24.98 (reg. 99.98). We just found out we're having baby #2 and I was thinking it was about time to start shopping for a booster so the new baby can have the convertible car seat-what luck I had today!!! It'll be another 9 mo. before we use it but for that price it can hang out in the garage for a little while!
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