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Everything posted by msharpsteen

  1. Wow! Can barely keep up with this thread now! cberrytech-thanks for checking the Geotrax airport for me!! So I sucked it up and drove to Branson last night and any of you in the SW MO area should definately make a run today! I went around 5:30ish and they had aisles and aisles plus a whole back wall FULL of toys!! Lots of Smart Cycles (prob 8-9), Air Hogs (10+), and at least 3 biscuits (all at 50%) and pretty much a few of everything that's been mentioned so far. About 1/4 is 50%, the rest 75%-I didn't see anything only 30%. I didn't see Spike (bummer), Kid Tough DVD players, or Didj systems, but most of the other toys were there. Finally found my Buzz Lightyear, but he was 50%-got it anyway. Also got lots of Yo Gabba Gabba, Mad Science Dinosaur thing, and Cranium games for 75%. Very happy with me trip (and happy with the incredible self-control that I exercised!). Will be running by the Springfield store after work (and after a stop at ON) to see if anything's left at ours.
  2. Has anyone noticed if the Backyard Patrol Buzz Lightyear (full size) is 75%?? I'm really thinking of a road trip to Branson, but this is the only thing I REALLY REALLY want---not sure if he's worth a 30 minute drive...
  3. Springfield is overshopped! I so wish we'd get another store in town. Did you see any of the geotrax airports or any Legos?
  4. It will be 50-75% off the original price. I definately think the toys will get marked down this week. Yesterday several different employees mentioned toys resetting this week and lots of activity (this was Springfield MO). Still tons of toys, but I've noticed that there seems to little variety-just lots and lots of the same toy. Looks like the really misjudged demand on certain toys.
  5. I would LOVE to find Spike at 75% off-I haven't seen any at ours since well before Christmas, but if any GD's anywhere close to SW Missouri see one when toys go 75%, please let me know! I'll take a day off and make a road trip for that one!
  6. Went to check on any change in the toy situation in Springfield MO last night and they've marked down lots more stuff but most of it is still 30%, though a decent amount was 50%. I did notice that they marked down that Biscuit dog to 50% now (is now 89.xx). Anyway, I'm not in the market for it but if anyone in the area is, it might be worth checking in on as they still had at least 6 or 7 of them and might still have some when toys go 75%. Best part of trip though---found several packages of Christmas cookie dough (my boys are CRAZY about sugar cookies), one set of the Soap and Glory and someone's hidden wreath (the metal bells one-Beachwood Holiday or something like that). Anyway it was reg. 24.99 got it 2.49! Really hope it wasn't one of you guys' hidden treasure though!!
  7. I had to return something from a third party seller on amazon and I called customer service-they handle it the same way that they would if you have bought it directly from them. Super easy.
  8. Stock was VERY VERY limited at the Springfield, MO store. Decent assortment of women's (but only a few different styles-lots of sizes though), but pathetic in the men's dept. Mostly weird sizes and weird styles. Bummer.
  9. Awesome! My boys will love this. It's got good reviews (although there are only two). What a great deal-thanks OP!
  10. Ok just so I have this clear...(I just ordered a ton of these and hope I've got it right). The ones that I ordered say minimum purchase of $35 (for a $25 gift card). So if our original order is 35.00, we use the gift card and only pay $10 correct?
  11. The ones I just got are good for a year, but it says only one can be used per month (same restaurant)
  12. I have this microwave and I love it!! I get compliments on how nice it looks all the time!
  13. I totally lucked out today! Found three Mars Mission Alien Mothership Lego sets (reg. 49.99) for 75% off (12.48). They were just sitting on a clearance endcap with the last bit of remaining clearanced toys (the leftover junk), not marked or anything. I hadn't even seen these when I was trekking all over Missouri in search of clearance Legos, so I'm not sure how they magically appeared-must have gotten lost in the back or something. Happy day for me!! By the way Springfield shoppers-I only bought one; left the other two!
  14. Hey Missouri shoppers! Branson Target still has quite a bit of toys left and most are 50-75% off now (Springfield still 30-50% on most; I did find the TMNT Mini Mutants for 3.xx)
  15. Chesterfield, MO Target served me VERY well yesterday!!! This what I picked up (was on a mini-vacation; only so much room in the car), but they still had tons of toys and baby stuff (most toys were 75%, Legos were the only thing I saw that were only 50% and baby stuff was anywhere from 30%-75% off). Lots of carseats left. ### Graco Vie4 Stroller 24.98 (75%) ### Spongebob Legos (the boat school one) 24.98 (50%) ### Star Wars Sith lightsaber 4.98 (75%)
  16. When I click the link, it just takes me to the page to sign up for Prime, but doesn't offer me the free trial-does the trial only show up for some people?
  17. Has anyone seen any women's bikes on clearance? I've only seen kids and men so far...
  18. Springfield, MO Christmas still 50%. Still 5 or 6 very packed aisles left. Did see quite a bit of 50% off toys (definately more than the other day). The Shake-n-Go Crashup Speedway was 50% (24.xx), so I snatched it up. I doubt it will be around to go 75%.
  19. Awesome deal! I got 4 games for 20.50 (Monopoly H&N, Guess Who, Scrabble Jr. & Trouble). My boys are still a little young for them, but at this price they can go in the closet for a year or two! Thanks OP!
  20. Hey neighbor! I just left our Target about two hours ago and they still had at least 3 of the radar guns if you're still looking! Very little play wonder left-I really wanted the climbing dome!!
  21. Other Springfieldian here and I definately agree! I can't believe we only have one, and it's not even a SuperTarget at that! I also struck out today, as I was looking for the same stuff as ameyers (dollar spot and baseball). What a bummer... In defense of our store though, I do really like the employees (except the bald old guy at checkout-he always gives me crap about coupons!!) I did notice lots of new toys on clearance-there are quite a few lego things I'll be keeping my eye on...
  22. Awesome, I'll have to stop by tomorrow. Did they have the Free & Clear kind or was it just regular ALL S&M?
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