My friend's daughter is 1 yrs old and I bought the Doodlebear at TArget for $10 for her when she gets older. They are just too cute and I know whe loves bears in general. I also plan on getting a carebear and/or a CPK for her to put away also
I buy buy buy on BF. Never stay to my lists. I buy year around though for gift giving. If I see something on BF that my mom on her birthday would want, I buy it. Everything doesn't have to be for christmas
I'll wait till whenever for a great deal. Its just me going out so its my time and decision as to how long. The longest I was outside in line was 6 hours. Im so glad I met and talked to a lot of nice women that year :)
The lines are the reason I don't do layaway. I pay cash for everything anyway. If for some odd reason I couldn't, I'd charge the items just so I wouldn't deal with it
That would be. Usually though its a mad dash for the items, but once they are in somones hands and/or cart its off limit. People around me are Usually good about that