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Everything posted by elena_398

  1. elena_398

    day after xmas

    I end spending $100 ++++ at Walmart the day after Christmas. I just make sure Im their SUPER early. After midnight is when the new pricing goes into effect so I will be going to my 24 hour one. Stocking up!
  2. I just got an email from my library that they are phasing out all VHS movies. The next booksale (which is in the spring) they will sell all of them then. Can't wait. My sisters kids all have VHS players in their rooms. Hopefully I can get a bunch of the kid movies. I have 4 DVD players in the house and 3 VHS players so I'll grab a bunch for myself. I love their booksale. All hardbacks .50, soft backs are .25, magazines .10, and DVDs and VHS are $1-$2. I always end up spending so much there!
  3. I went today. Got the Movie edition for my sister. I price matched my origonal one I bought at Walmart. So I got some back too. They had the sports edition, movie edition, and the disney edition available here
  4. Thats the problem with finishing so early. You tend to buy extras until christmas comes around! I think thats why I've bought so much this year! lol
  5. I had to say something last night to my neighbor across the street. Apparently their son came home with a few friends. NO party, but they were dropping him off. They were on their front porch yelling (they called it talking). Woke both my kids up with the racket. Asked them to quiet down as it was after 10pm
  6. Christmas eve at my husband's family. Christmas day everyone is coming to my home now. Later we will go back to in-laws for dessert.
  7. Maybe it depends on where the item is coming from. Mine said to expect my order by 12/21-23
  8. lol too funny
  9. Everyone is coming here. Oh joy. LOL
  10. elena_398

    day after xmas

    Thats true. I do buy some gift sets for out of state relatives too. Just my husband's grandparents though
  11. Thanks. Will check it out
  12. I don't have a Costcos. Just a Sams Club and BJs. I let my Sams Club membership expire so I have to get up there to renew soon
  13. Thanks for posting. With 4 different systems and 2 GBA SPs, Im always looking for games!
  14. Thanks. I have one right by the mall
  15. Both my kids got the Video Now last year. I still love it! I went crazy and bought each child 10 movies/cartoons each. They have plenty!
  16. I got mad at Hallmark several months ago and won't go back in. They were rude. Thanks for posting though
  17. Just at Walmart today. They had 2 different VCRs. Both ran around $30-45.
  18. Yes, my son also goes to GamesFaq all the time
  19. I got my paper this evening and saw Kohls was having another Doorbuster sale. 8am-midnight on Tuesday and Wednesday. 50% toys. Pictured was the Scene It games. They are regularly $34.99 there and now they will be starting tomorrow $17.99!! I don't think you'll find it cheaper right now! Im heading over there tomorrow to see which ones. They pictured the Movie edition and Disney edition. Maybe they will have others though.
  20. I bought my son's teachers gift yesterday (male teacher). Rite Aid had all their novelty gift sets for 25% off. Found a cute Monster Garage set. He loves Hot Chocolate so this set has 2 Monster Garage mugs, 4 packs of Hot Chocolate and a big box of Monster Garage Cookies. Only came out to $5.24 My last gift I needed to buy is DONE> So I am officially done shopping.
  21. My daughter got the karoke machine last year (not the american idol one but one that does the graphics etc). I bought a few from ebay. Really cheap too
  22. I own a Hoover steam cleaner. Its fine, but I would love a smaller/portable one. Its so hard to lug my steam cleaner around the house. That one was $299. Love it, but hard for me to use it. My husband ends up doing it :)
  23. Honestly, I love a great deal but I've bought so much this year, I won't be disappointed if they don't have one. Otherwise, I will feel compelled to buy more! LOL
  24. My friends husband fell for the paypal security email that was sent. They got his ebay password, id, etc. Used it to sell illegal computer stuff. Got his credit card info. IT was a mess. Took over 2 months to straighten out
  25. I bought my fryer at Lowes. Reasonable pricing too. Last year I bought it when they had a friends and family 10% coupon.
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