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Everything posted by mghtymth27

  1. I went to order from Amazon over the weekend, was all set to click the "send in order button" (or whatever it is called on that site) but after quickly checking over my order it said the items would not ship before Dec. 26th so I canx. the order since I needed them by Christmas. It seems to me they are going to lose a lot of orders doing that if people don't know any better.
  2. Ofcourse they did try to get me to let them open over this past weekend -- lol
  3. Usually Christmas Eve (now that the kids are older). Christmas is spent playing with all the new stuff!!!
  4. music cd's or download cards for an MP3 player (depending on what he has). Hand held video games. Gift cards for Mcdonalds, movie theater, bowling alley etc.
  5. We had our big snow over night -- everything is cleared and ready for me to get off work -- LOL
  6. I'll have to go check Old Navy tonight and see if they have boys sweaters on clearnce. Got some for my son last year (on clearance) and he loves them!!!
  7. this link should take you to the email link for CC http://www.circuitcity.com/cs_customer_email.jsp?c=1
  8. Thanks Buschbaby, JeansMommy, and Stowasser. I am going to order some books for my kids. Their B-days are in Jan. and Feb. so even if they don't get here before Christmas can always go for B-days!!! Thanks again
  9. Has anybody here ordered from this place before?
  10. Not up yet -- been very busy. Will probably (hopefully) get around to putting stuff up tomorrow?? (maybe)
  11. My kids pick the theme -- translation: It's mixed.
  12. got my son the HP from Walmart for $88 No idea how it works - it's for Christmas
  13. my kids wanted to get me an xbox last year -- considering it was on both theirs lists I think it was more for them lol. They do shop for each other and at 10 and 12 they are getting better about buying something that the person they buy for will enjoy.
  14. At Walmart on BF this year -- the lady working the cash register insisted that I open the digital camera box that I had bought for my son. She said it felt to light, like nothing was in there. It turned out ok because the camera was there (with all the components). I never would have thought about doing this if she had not suggested it. I guess now I will always check.
  15. I always say I'm done -- that's it no more, but it never works that way. I'll be shopping right up until the last min. Not that I have to get anything -- but it's so much fun this time of year.
  16. late at night when the kids are asleep -- anytime from now until a couple of days before Christmas
  17. Whole Prime Rib jumbo shrimp (either chilled with a cocktail sauce or a shrimp alfredo -- probably both this year). Green bean casserole mashed potatos rolls Maybe a turkey this year (have one left from Thanksgiving). Lots of baked stuff -- cookies, cookies, and more cookies -- with brownies, mint bars, pecan tarts, mini pumpkin pies. and probably homemade cinnamon rolls fresh from the oven on Christmas morning. Man -- Now I'm hungry!!!
  18. Snowman -- you can leave them out longer and they still go with the season!!!!
  19. I'm lucky if I get my lights up, and they are all straight!!!!
  20. My Walmart did this last year -- we went up to two weeks later and were still seeing the TV's they had on BF for the door buster price. I guess it just depends on how many they have left over!!
  21. Our Walmart was great this year. We got there at about 3am and located everything we needed (mostly). The only thing we could not find was the mp3 player (Phillips 2gb for $100). Everyone kept saying it was in electronics behind the counter, but the guy working that counter kept telling me it was not there -- just the Game-Boy Advanced and some phones. Finally I just parked myself in his line and told him I was going to stay there until someone figured out where they really were. He left the counter, tracked down the store manager and found out that they were supposed to be at his counter but were still locked up in the security office -- finally at 13 mins until 5am they brought out the players (which they only had 3). Charlie (the guy working) made sure I got one of them (he knew I'd been there since 3am). Walmart would not let you take anything off the pallets until 5 -- they had security around all the products, so everyone lined up by what they wanted. We got out of Walmart at 6:00am -- but this was not because of long lines at the registers -- we walked around to see what was left. We didn't have to wait to check out -- and when we got outside the parking lot was pretty much empty. Great job by our Walmart - I was very impressed.
  22. almost forgot -- Circut City -- XM radio (Delphi) was supposed to be $30 out the door with a $30 mail in rebate --- but it rang up at $10 -- So I got it for $10 with a mail in rebate, it will still be free. also a man in the layaway department at Walmart gave my a $20 bill -- not sure why but I took it!!!!
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