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Everything posted by dukes4440

  1. not bad!
  2. Does this mean they will be open on the 25th with sales? If so I can see why. Who wants to work retail Christmas Day? Com'on K-Mart give your Employees a break! One day won't pull you out of bankruptcy.
  3. LOL most of the people in line knew each other (its a REALLY small town) so its kind of hard to push and shove/beat up etc your old high school counselor. LOL Ah I know i might think about it!
  4. AMEN! Except it was 5:01am here!
  5. I just saw the local news report that CNN says that retailers are reporting a 1% drop in sales from last year! How can that be? I've seen more people out this year than last.Maybe less profit cause of more loss leaders this year? Whatcha think?
  6. I agree. The people handing out the vouchers should have been better supervised.Most of the employees handing them out were just kids and prob temps at that.Walking down a line of 300+,cold,tired,hungry,sleepdeprived and someangry at the world people at 4am can be intimidating. especialy knowing whats going to happen when they get to the last voucher. Heck if I was 16, 110 lbs. Iwould toss em in the air and run with no security!
  7. I've seen WM, and CC on BF and that is why I was #2 in line at BB!
  8. No one got this?
  9. Mine is on order, just wanted to know how it really is
  10. Where in the world does Walmart find its Store Managers? Looks like something from WWF
  11. Well me and the misses get to BB @ 8:30pm and are #s 2&3 in line!!!! The next people get there about 9:15 and by 11:00 there are about150. You could tell when the first wave of CompUSA people started to line up @ 12:00 When they opened the doors @ 5 the line well over 3 Footballfields long.We got in and went to get our e-machines (2 for Santa Loot ) asked an associate where the 30" HDTV for 399 was and she said in Hometheater section.Well it wasn't I was sent up to the registers.Well then all 3 were gone! At the checkout I asked for a manager. I told him about being #2 in line since 8:30pm misdirected multiple times to cause me to lose out on the t.v.. He said he was sorry but there all gone. Well I just stand there staring at him and finally he ask me if i was going to really buy it and I said I had planned to walk out of the store with one! He says to wait a minute to let him check something. Not even a minute later he says that If I pay today that I can pick it up on the 29th!! So in my opinion BB Rocks!!!
  12. does this mean that you can pay for the computers with the vouchers and come back later to claim them?
  13. yep
  14. :sidesplit
  15. Don't worry, every city has idiots like that. Local news....trying to act like the big boys Oh by the way go Dawgs!!!
  16. I have 2 ads,The green one which is the blitz items and the red one which is a weekly ad good from Nov. 25 thru Dec 1. It was listed in the red one for $39.
  17. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  18. my ad said $398 for the laptop, Walmart web site $378 and the tv $378 so I guess I'll never know cause I'll be @ BB @ 7pm Thurs nite!
  19. nope but thanks
  20. Walmart web site for 30040 says laptop $378 Ad I got in mail today says$398
  21. Does any one plan on using the AOL Discount from CC on BF?
  22. Just wondering, with all the low cost dial up out there, why would you use AOL? :banghead:
  23. Yep works fine for me
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