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shopping mom

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Everything posted by shopping mom

  1. Between us we have 4 cars out on BF so it is no problem for us. It might be this year if I get the basketball system. Those boxes look big.
  2. I remember one year we drove from GA to Virginia for Christmas. I was 5 or 6. When we got to grandma's house I heard jingle bells and saw a red light in the sky. I quickly ran in the house and jumped in bed, after all I didn't want to miss Santa. I stayed convince he was real until I was. My parents were so afraid I would be disappointed that they went a little overboard that year, but I loved it and still remember it as the best Christmas growing up.
  3. Where did your sis get the photo album. My MIL would love it. She lives in Nevada and only gets to visit once or twice a year. They are coming for Christmas this year ( second time in 23 years) so we are excited!
  4. I was reading this thread and I got so excited when you wrote to say you found it!! I think its great.
  5. When the older kids were little they did get us gifts from the dollar tree. My favorite was a ball so I could have one to play outside with them. Now they all do a little bit more. My oldest daughter (17) waits to shop on BF. i am going to take the 2 year old to the dollar tree this year. No telling what she will pick out.
  6. I have only ordered through e-bay once. I have done it through a store. I am beginning to feel like a kid in a candy shop. I will start working on my shopping list tonight. I am still hitting the stores but if I can get an early deal, I might just try this. Should I know anything special before I begin to shop online?
  7. My parents actuallly told me some things they want this year!! I will definitely get those few things, but I like to get a few surprise gifts as well. Mom wants a Smart Pot and Dad wants a small boombox for his office. if any one see a sale let me know.
  8. My father in law is always hard. The kids-- some years a few will be easy and the others hard and then next year it will switch. The two year old will be the easiest this year, if I can decide what to get!!
  9. I can't remember anything like that happening. Did you contact the company about the way you were treated. I had to deal with a rude employee the other day so I e-mailed the company. I don't know if it really does anything because I never hear back, but I tell them anyway! By the way what is BBW and what kind of coupons?
  10. My hubby is usually pretty good about putting things together, but my 14 year old loves to do that kind of thing. If I got a swing, I think it would get done.
  11. I am a home schooling mom so I always make sure this day is scheduled off. Hubby is off too so he watchest the 2 year old. It is wonderful not to have to worry about rushing home. I get to concentrate on SHOPPING!!
  12. Last year I left the house at 3 and was price matching in Wal-mart by 3:30, out of there by 6:15 and on to the rest of the sales. I wait for all the ads before a definite plan is made. I just love to shop!!
  13. I hope you all are right about the Target sales. If Target had a lay-a-way they would be even better. I do love their end cap clearance items though. I got some twin sheet sets there a few weeks ago for $3 a set.
  14. I don't know if I will hit Comp Usa or not. I think I will be busy price matching at Wal-mart.
  15. My kids are allowed to make the list as big as they want and ask for what ever they want. They usually get most of it. Between us, grandparents, aunts etc.. It works out well. I do not do much for birthdays($50) so I always do more at Christmas. Some items are to big ticketed but they can still hope, mom might find it on sale!!
  16. My daughter is two and loves the My First Leap Pad. We got a bundle package last year. This year I bought four new books. I am thinking about the Story Reader for her this year. Wooden puzzles are great too. TRU also has stickers for the bath tub that are great and makes bath time fun (they can play and not pour water on the floor) Books are great at any age and mine have always loved being read to.
  17. I found this web sight not long ago and I am loving it. I love shoping all year round, especially sales and clearance racks. I will definitly be on board year round! I am trying to get my mom and cousin on too!!
  18. I would buy for me if I had the extra money but even with good deals the money only stretches so far.
  19. I usually talk to people. I love how excited people are over the gifts they are able to get and the money saved. It never hurts to make friends with the people in front of you either. Last year I wanted a Carebear from Wal-Mart. My new aquaintance grabbed me one when she got hers because it got a little crazy!1
  20. It seems to me this is the whole Spirit of Christmas. Giving of ourselves and our resources to others. We usually find a family and all of us kids included go shopping for the whole family. Then we will wrap the gifts for the parents but we give the parents all the stuff for the kids. That way it can be their own family tradition and they can choose what Santa brings and what gets wrapped.
  21. I was watching one of those home decorating show and they made a shadow box. They took a box that had a glass front, then hot glued material to the inside back of the box. Then they bought fishing lures and stuck them on an old fishing hat as well as other fishing items and hot glued them it the box. I think the show was Decorating Cents, and was the trash to treasure segment. You could probably find the instructions on line if interested. I am sure there are magazines or videos, or books that would deal with these subjects too.
  22. I am not sure want the answer is but I am glad that you and your family will be in church. We will be too! We have always had "Santa" wrap everything in years past for other reasons.
  23. I will definitely sign up for an e-mail. I am still learning the tricks to online shopping
  24. I have wanted one of those yard swings or glider for the last couple of years but so far no one has remembered. It would be great to sit on when I am watching the baby play. Not to strange but no one is listening
  25. I really like that idea and may try it next year. I never thought of gas cards. Great idea!!
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