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Everything posted by hpowers

  1. If you use the Target coupon generator and your store accepts expired coupons, you can get the individual bowls free. The coupon is a $1 and they usually cost 97 cents.
  2. Don't buy the poptarts! They're a little expensive!
  3. I believe the form even gives a total area at the bottom. Why else would they have you total it if you can't have more than one on a form.
  4. Too bad the free Oxi ball deal is dead. That was a money saver.
  5. Return Fraud??? They didn't try do anything illegal. I notice that you "leak" insider information for Kohl's, I would think that Kohl's would consider that illegal. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
  6. Big hits that really surprised me where the Iflops from Kohl's. They were under $10 and everyone I gave them to loved them. Butterscotch is the biggest hit though.
  7. I'm still waiting on a Christmas basket from Yankee Candle. I think they should only charge me the clearance price since it's AFTER christmas and it still hasn't shipped yet.
  8. I ordered on Nov. 29th and one of the items came Friday afternoon and the other is yet to ship so good luck. These were gifts for the girls teachers so they will be getting them after school resumes. Thanks Yankee Candle. Order at your own risk!
  9. Looking for some too, so bumping this thread.
  10. that's why I just gave them paper to make designs on. Works a whole lot better that way!
  11. I wonder if Walmart would price match the coupon? It could be worth the try.
  12. Kohl's has been out for a couple of weeks now. I want to make sure that everyone that has this toy will be sure to put it together before giving it. It says it on the box but if it's like the one at my house, it's hidden so you wouldn't think about it until the last minute. I put one together last night in about 15 minutes. It comes with the head off so make sure you put it together instead of giving it in the box.
  13. I bought 2 last year. One still works but the other doesn't. I just gave my girls paper and let them make designs. The loved that. For $10 it's not too bad.
  14. That doesn't leave much time for travel does it?
  15. I know some people feel that you shouldn't be able to join at the last minute just to get tickets. I don't see why it hurts, it's the same money all the same, whether you joined 11 months ago you today, you still have a membership and paid the same money. I guess I'll wait until Saturday or maybe even the day of the concert.
  16. Great, they are not accepting new memberships right now.
  17. How do you get in the presale? Do you have to be a fan club member? And which fan club?
  18. Thanks for the info. I got the set from Walmart. Now does it make since that sitetostore won't be here before christmas but shipping to my house will. Hmmmm.
  19. Anyone know when the current Kohls cash is good for?
  20. Dang it! The leather coat I've been looking at for $300 is now $53 with the 15% off. Stop the insanity!!!
  21. I can hardly wait for christmas myself. I truly hope everyone can get one of these at a discounted price. I know my daughter is going to love it. It's all she has asked for this year.
  22. Please stop posting about Kohl's, I've spent WAY too much there already!!! I'll have about $100 worth of Kohl's bucks to use on the 9th but, the UPS guy stops by every day now!
  23. http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=93444 See this thread.
  24. It is a HUGE box and has the horse plastered all over it. If you have it shipped, be careful!
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