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Posts posted by Lightning_

  1. Nope, they are open all night, as usual, they just pull the stuff out on pallets wrapped (usually in black plastic) and an associate opens them at start time. Then the wild times begin!


    I have seen two 24 Walmarts do this. People stage and I don’t even think god can help you if something goes wrong. Last year I saw two fistfights, and a few car accidents in the parking lot. It more or less seems to be a controlled riot.


    When you hear the roar of the store resemble something like the wave at a football stadium it is 5am and you had better be ready. :lolrun:

  2. ours stay open all night and just ensure that the BF products stay in the plasitc wrap until 5am.. This is great because you can stage by what you want, and then at 5am it is every man/woman/child for themself!!!!
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