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Posts posted by Lightning_

  1. I just wanted to let people know that my Walmart in Saint Mary's, GA still has a good amount of stuff still for sale at BF prices! HP Camera, HP Camera Dock, Accesory kit, 20" TV's (out the wazzo), the DVD/TV Combos, coffee makers, ovens, kids 4-wheelers, DVD's, DVD players, a couple 15" LCD's, toys, Garth Brooks Box set, ETC....


    It seems that the stuff did not sell here as well as WM hoped. If you need somethin we still got it.:D

  2. same thing at mine, as soon as the doors opened people who had just gotten there ran over & tried to make it look like they had been in line while me & others who had been there since 3:30 or earlier tried to get the cops to do something but all they did was yell, not really a good enough motivator...they really need to put up some kind of barrier so there's a single-file line of people who have been there all morning flowing in once the doors open :wife:


    That would require more than 5 brian cells.:splat:

  3. freaking agreed. I don't know how many different employees told me DIFFERENT places things would be.. I never did find the $5 CD's.


    There was a small box of them in electronics hidden between the big screens, there was a decent stack to the right of jewelry in the front of the store, and the motherload was on two pallets back in the milk department.


    Yea.... Walmart here does not win the Customer Service award. I know it sucks to work there on BF, but they at least could be nice when people are being nice to them.

  4. Netgear is good; however just becarefull with them. I have had two brand new G-routers from them and both where defective due to power on reset problems that Netgear could never resolve. I was not the only one with this problem. Just check out Netgear's Technical Support forums.


    Now with this being said and the price you are looking at $30 is GREAT incentive to give them another chance.

  5. I am sorry to hear that... Look at it this way. He willingly and knowingly bought it for you at the store. If he didn’t want you to have it he should have never paid for it in the first place! I would say keep it, and enjoy it.


    Now this is also coming from someone that does not know your parents or live with you but it is just something to think about. BF can be great or it can be not so hot just give it a shot again next year. I wish you the best of luck.

  6. Here in Saint Marys Walmart the customers and managers were great, but the employees not only provided NO help as to where things were they also where not the nicest. I was actually let down by the Customer service this year, but I can say it was WELL stocked. 36 Laptops, 20 or so desktops, I say about 15 or the 15" LCD's, and good god the number of the 20" flat screen TV's!!!!
  7. 17 DVD's

    2 USB Keys

    bunch of Tools from Sears

    bunch of stuff from Bath and body works



    Oh yea and Walmart here only had 36 Laptops hidden in the Vision Center.. We got to Walmart at 4:15 got the DVDs and was out at 5:00!!!


    Then went to Sears got there at 5:15 was first in line!!!! So my wife and I got the gift cards and tools.


    Went to breakfast and the hit up Bath and Body works at 7:00!!


    We hit EVERYTHING like clockwork it was GREAT!! and to top it all off we spent around $150 bucks!!!

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