I heart my GD stuff (pen, highlighter, sticker I put on my pen holder so now it's a GD pen holder) and if course my tshirt.
I want a bag, chip clip, whatever else I can order when you list them :)
I have one that is not pre-lit. I don't like them because if a light goes out and you can not figure out which one. You will have a whole section that will not light up. And you will have to get a new tree. Where if you have a not pre-lit one you can get just a new strand of lights.
That is half the reason they stopped doing layaway. They had to much stuff sitting on layaway and never being picked up, items sitting on layaway to long, things sitting on layaway for a long periods of time and then taken off. Stores loose money and it messes up their inventory plus it takes up room in their stock room. It forces people to use layaway for its intended purpose. If you are already getting stuff at Amazon then why complain about the layaway?
They usually have the "Countdown to the 25 Days of Christmas" and then the "25 Days of Christmas"
Looks like they are only advertising the "Countdown to 25 Days" right now and those dates are November 20-30th.
I just don't get them anything. I will not waist my money on someone who I don't get along with. But in the case of kids who its no fault of theirs. I get them a 15-25 gift card to walmart.
I'm looking to get a jacket for my dh. Does anyone know who usually has a good sale or where to start looking for a good price on their products.