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Everything posted by peifgirl

  1. i emailed, plan on calling......also mentioned that they are pulling this stunt on their first christmas shopping season that they don't offer layaway....i hope they really really really loose their ass this year....
  2. ahh what a guy:yup:
  3. happy birthday in advance....just break him in the routine and it could become a nice tradition for you two......what a nice guy!!!
  4. peifgirl

    Online or Stores

    while i enjoy shopping online...BF is more fun doing it in the stores....i enjoy lauging at the crazy people fighting and well its just more fun...
  5. hide my packages, try to nap but never happens...
  6. go to bed early thanksgiving day...wake up around 330am start callin friend to get her rear out of bed....take off around 4am...pick her up and head to our first store....we never get anything that people stand in line all night for so this works out for us...we always take a pit stop at starbucks and krispy kremes too....
  7. thanks.....i just want one for him to mess around with i am not really worried about printng just the fact that he can see them on the screen he'll be happy...he is 4yr old...
  8. http://www3.toysrus.com/Investor/pr/092707a.html there is the direct link to the toys r us hot toy list and also walmart is already putting the fisher price internet link launch pad on back order...i tried to go ahead and order it and was told that....
  9. i use to think BF shoppers were nuts, worked in retail and ended working BF morning one year. driving to work that early i thought everyone was nuts...then i went 3yrs ago and been hooked ever since...i don't go for the "huge" items that cause fights over, i just stand back and laugh at those people and get the items that don't cause fights.....
  10. right now kmart is having a special..you only need to put a $1 down to start your layaway...no $15 fee right now......just a thought, i threw some stuff on there that i pretty much knew wouldn't be on sale for BF
  11. I have gone with a friend or two....but last year i went by myself....i might end up going by myself again this year....was easier to get to what i want and to the stores in the order i want....
  12. any hear about the kids tough digital camera i really wanna get one for my ds
  13. i am usually out between 330-4am then home by noon
  14. i drive 30 mins to the town i do all my shopping and yes i make the journey for BF
  15. anyone know if the Fisher Price easy link launch pad or the smart key figurines that go with it will be in the BF sales
  16. if you call them and tell them how much you appreciate their coupons they send you a stack for the call...or if you do it by email the same thing......
  17. I can't wait either.....only day i really consider MY DAY:)
  18. Nothing in my area yet. I live in Central IL. I think it was all Chicago area stuff.
  19. ok, my dad just called and told me he just heard some stores are opening at midnight. I can not find any word of this on any news website. Any one heard about this or what store if its true. Thanks:confused:
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