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Everything posted by Megara211

  1. My dad has the RCA tablet, it does not have Bluetooth.
  2. I'm waiting for the last of the ads I need. Then I have a day (at least) of product/price checking between stores and my budget. Then come the lists in their finalized form. A list of what I'm getting by store, with the price in the ad, and my planned total. A list of what stores I'm going to, with when they open, when the doorbuster time ends, order that I plan to go to said stores, who is buying what at said store, how much I plan to spend at said store and how much "my parents" plan to spend at said store. I quote my parents cause my mom gives a list of things to pick up, and my dad gives me a list of things to pick up, and they give me the money to buy said items, but they stay home. The "gift list" which is hidden in my both in the secret pocket of my purse and in my phone/tablet. Which is the only place I list what I'm getting my parents, and anybody else who might see my lists.
  3. Megara211

    Holiday Menu

    Try making some extra gravy (I use McCormick packets), cutting up the breast and storing it in the gravy. It keeps the turkey moist, and flavorful. It works for us, and I make two large breasts every year.
  4. Megara211

    Holiday Menu

    It's pretty much the same menu for us every year. I'll be stuck doing all the cooking again this year, at least there will only be three of us (my parents and my self), everyone else is on the other side of the country. Unlike someone else. 15-20 really? Hopefully you won't be the only one cooking. Menu Turkey breasts roasted (stopped doing the whole turkey years ago. The animals ended up with all the dark meat, cause no one ate it.) Brown sugar glazed ham Stuffing Mashed potatoes Gravy Green bean casseroles (first thing we run out of every year, without fail) Candied yams (way too much sugar and should really be counted as a dessert, but the parents will have nothing else.) Mashed spiced yams (only for me, so I may not make it. But it's so good!) Cranberry sauce (the can shaped stuff) Rolls Pumpkin pie Pecan pie I want to add glazed carrots and spinach artichoke dip to the menu this year but something tells me that won't happen. If I make some brown sugar bacon I might be able to get them to eat a spinach salad.
  5. I probably should stay out of this thread because I'm a hard core crafter. But anyway, some of the best holiday crafts I've done are... 1: clay "cookie" ornaments. My mother bought the kind of clay you bake, and used a rolling pin to roll it out, & we used cookie cutters to cut them out. After they baked I was aloud to paint them with acrylic paint, then my mom wrote my name and the year on the back, and my dad coated them a some kinda sealer. In almost 20 years, and 7 moves only one broke. And that was because my cousin didn't wrap it when it went back in the ornament box. 2: ribbon "paper" chains. I really wanted to make a paper chain to go on our tree, my mom dreaded the idea. (it wouldn't go with the rest of the decorations.) So she bought ribbons that matched our decorations and some fabric glue, and we made a paper chain with ribbons instead of paper. It lasted about five years, it would have lasted a lot longer it we'd have put in a few stitchs (with tread) in each chain seam to help hold it. 3: foam snowmen. You need foam balls from the craft store in three or four sizes depending on if you want them all the same height or not, you also need the round\circle shaped pieces that are a bit bigger than the largest ball size (for base), as well as some skewers, a hot glue gun (with glue), buttons, googly eyes (or you could just use buttons for eyes), orange acrylic paint (optional, if you really want a carrot nose), and doll sized hat(s) (again optional), felt sheets (the sticky ones are nicer to use), and brown or black pipe cleaners. Use skewers to hold the foam balls together, add a small amount of hot glue between the balls by the skewer. If you are not using doll hats make sure not to poke skewer through the top of the head. Used a skewer the hold the largest ball to the base, add hot glue between base and largest ball. Cut felt to size of base, glue felt to base (or if you have the sticky kind just unpeel cover and stick), this protects your shelf or furniture from the skewers. If using "carrot nose(s)" cut skewer one inch from point, paint the skewer points with orange paint. Glue on eyes, and buttons. Place nose then pull out and add a drop of hot glue to the end and replace. Shape pipe cleaners into desired shape for arms, place arms then add glue and replace. If you wish you could glue on a mouth, I found that I preferred drawing the mouth on with a sharpie. You could also make one of each family member and write their name on the side of the base, or write the name of who made them and the year. I no longer have the ones I made, they were given to a friend when she moved, she still has them and it's been almost 15 years since I made them. 4: snitches! I didn't do these but my friend did and they turned out wonderful, I have a couple that she made me, and they are on my list of things to make. You need small foam balls, short white feathers, gold spray paint, and eye hooks. Screw eye hooks into the foam balls (my friend added a drop of glue onto them when she screwed them in to make sure they lasted), let the glue dry. Spray paint the balls gold. After it's all dry insert one feather on either side of the ball for wings. She only make them this year, so I don't know how well they'll hold up. 5: pipe cleaner candy cane ornaments. You'll need red and white pipe cleaners, green felt, small red pom poms or red round beads, ribbon, and glue. Twist red and white pipe cleaners together and shape to form candy canes, you may have to cut your pipe cleaners depending on their size. Cut felt into holly leaves. Glue two candy canes into an x shape. Glue two leaves to center of candy canes, and glue pom poms or beads in the place where the leaves meet. After it drys glue a length of ribbon to the back for hanging. If not using hot glue its a great quick project to do with younger kids since other than cutting they can do a lot of it themselves. Depending on what glue you use and how careful you are with packing away your ornaments makes a big difference on how well they hold up. And I'll stop now before I start overloading this thread.
  6. When I was a kid, my parents refused to go black Friday shopping. (They hate crowds.) So the day after Thanksgiving we'd get out the tree and spend the day listening to my mom's collection of Christmas CDs and putting up the tree, and other decorations. Now I go out and shop BF so now I decorate the weekend after BF. I'd start before then but if my mom sees Christmas decorations out before Thanksgiving she kinda freaks out. Doesn't mean that some don't go up in my room though, since she doesn't go into my section of the house.
  7. http://www.amazon.com/Nanoblock-58198-Deluxe-Space-Shuttle/dp/B00CQDGROW/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1445918415&sr=8-2&keywords=space+shuttle+nano+blocks A space shuttle shaped puzzle made with tiny Lego like bricks. For the puzzle\lego lover that wants a challenge.
  8. I have a K10 mini I love it! got it 2 years in a BF sale. I personally prefer only adding the water I need. I don't have the my k-cup, I have a knock off call java jig by Melitta, it uses small coffee filters (fyi paper towels work too in a crunch). the My K-Cup uses a wire mesh, which my dad destorys those, so thats why we use the java jig, with the filters.
  9. 2011, I went to walmart for a ps3. that was before the management changed at that store, was there at 6 to get my ps3, finally got my ps3 at midnight, cause they had the bright idea of putting checkout for all the gaming systems, tablets, computers, printers, and laptops in one line to pharmacy where they had one register open. Finally got home and my mom took the ps3 box and put it in her closet so I couldn't open it til christmas. 2012 added another couple stops to my list. Then finally last couple of years I've had around 10-12 stops, plus sometimes multiple stops at the same store.
  10. http://www.amazon.com/Star-Wars-R2-D2-USB-Charger/dp/B00HE6UW4M/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1445566197&sr=8-7&keywords=r2d2 A Star Wars themed car charger that charges two things at a time. Honestly I'm considering buying this for my Brother, he's a huge Star Wars fan. Plus it'll be usefull, since he is always running out of battery on his phone.
  11. Song: Merry Christmas Darling Lyric: Unprepared for what's to come.
  12. Song: Please Come Home For Christmas Lyrics: All Is Calm, All Is Bright,
  13. Does anyone have an idea on what a 24"-32" might go for this year. I need a new tv for my room. Never mind missed post on page two.
  14. Hoping that there will be a 16gb android I can get my dad. Nothing really expensive cause it will be dropped, he'll forget screen protectors, and at some point I'll be searching the house for it after he claims one of my cats took it. (they never take it he just forgets where he set it.)
  15. Earbuds are always the first thing to go on my bf list. I'm really hard on my earbuds so I stock up.Gift cards make there way into my cart too, along with charging cords, and SD cards.
  16. Office max, Walmart, Joann fabric, Michaels, & staples
  17. You might want to look at personalizationmall.com they do have cyber Monday sales, and instead of just the picture of grandkids, it could be something that'll use every day.
  18. What about guessing a line from Christmas songs, say you can only do four or five words from the song. Person who guesses it first posts the next song.
  19. Not much on the list this year, things came up earlier in the year the prevented me from saving much. A new TB hard drive for my mom, I need a new Bluetooth headset, and then if I can swing it a new tv for my room.
  20. It is, cause it's an Austrailian territory. So trick question Kanyon71!
  21. No & no. I'm making my dad's gift this year so I can't wrap that til it's finished. And I still have gift cards to buy. And I still have no idea what to get my mom. Oh and I still don't have my tree up. too much to do. At least I have the stuff that needs to be shipped, shipped.
  22. Definitely save more money! This year was just rough. My dad had a stroke, and was in the hospital for a week. I was exhausted from daily trips to the hospital, then coming home and taking care of my sick mother at home. Then he came home and thanksgiving hit. I'll also start planning earlier as far as what to get for people. And I won't be cooking two thanksgiving dinners either! It won't happen!!! I don't know how I got talked into that.
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