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Everything posted by tracy0504

  1. I am definitely with you!!!! I miss staying up late in anticipation of an ad coming out late into the night...
  2. Won't need much from Kohl's this year, but will check out the early BF deals as usual.
  3. I would not buy a bigger tree... if you have a card table put the tree on top of there if you want it to be a little higher, or even a coffee table that you can move up against a wall with a table cloth on top (stack real or fake presents under the tree)... as far as food goes, make it pot luck and everyone brings a dish and beverages, you can provide the turkey and or ham... tell everyone to wear and ugly sweater and give out 3 prizes for ugliest, most creative and best sweater... have fun and make the most of it!!!!
  4. Unfortunately, something has been going on with their site all day and I am not able to purchase anything...
  5. Kohl's currently has their throws on sale for $9.99, now will it be at a better price during BF?!?! I know I don't NEED anymore throws... but my g'son loves Mickey and I get him a new Mickey throw every year and they're like Lays, can't buy just one, lol
  6. Or so I thought, but then mom decided she had one too many sips of the water she brought...
  7. I work for the court system so we are open that week except for Thanksgiving, however, I took off from the 23rd to the 28th because the plan was to go see my mom for her birthday (Thanksgiving Day) this year...those plans have changed but I still have the time off...
  8. They sound like they have a lot of things planned for the customers, which is good... I'm honestly shocked that they are one of the stores that survived the past 2 years. Haven't shopped at JCPenney for BF in probably 5 years, but I may venture in the store this year...
  9. Photo #1: The young and the restless... Photo #2: I told you we didn't need to wait for a cart... Photo #3: Man: Mom never told me there would be days like this...
  10. I don't need another Crock Pot (already have 4), but the one in the ad is a unique color, 7 qts., and portable...
  11. This would make a great gift for anyone... LED night light, music player, charger https://www.amazon.com/EZVALO-Wireless-Portable-Bluetooth-Dimmable/dp/B08VD26L2F/ref=mp_s_a_1_15?crid=2B8A6UMZIHZ52&keywords=unique+gifts&qid=1665945522&qu=eyJxc2MiOiI5LjU3IiwicXNhIjoiOS4yOCIsInFzcCI6IjguOTAifQ%3D%3D&refinements=p_85%3A2470955011&rnid=2470954011&rps=1&sprefix=%2Caps%2C214&sr=8-15
  12. This would be great as a baby shower or Christmas gift... Letters to my little girl as I watch you grow up: journal https://www.amazon.com/Letters-Little-Girl-Watch-Grow/dp/1696574951/ref=mp_s_a_1_73?crid=1PSKPR891EZEH&keywords=unique+gifts&qid=1665889120&qu=eyJxc2MiOiI5LjU3IiwicXNhIjoiOS4yOCIsInFzcCI6IjguOTAifQ%3D%3D&refinements=p_85%3A2470955011&rnid=2470954011&rps=1&sprefix=%2Caps%2C292&sr=8-73
  13. This is too cute... my son and DIL are coming up on there 1 year anniversary and I think this would be a cute gift for them. Lovers path-crossing sign - Personalized artwork with Couple's Names. Gift for wedding Anniversary, housewarming, Valentine's Day. Paris wall art.https://www.amazon.com/Lovers-path-crossing-sign-Personalized-Anniversary/dp/B07MCWCS1S/ref=sr_1_30?content-id=amzn1.sym.b73d2d18-0109-4ffc-b5b5-4bb27856357d%3Aamzn1.sym.b73d2d18-0109-4ffc-b5b5-4bb27856357d&keywords=unique+gifts&pd_rd_r=7d3edb7e-f09e-4889-a589-33a542e297d3&pd_rd_w=GM6ln&pd_rd_wg=tOhyp&pf_rd_p=b73d2d18-0109-4ffc-b5b5-4bb27856357d&pf_rd_r=32DTGN121ABR5K13P9NK&qid=1665759977&qu=eyJxc2MiOiI5LjU3IiwicXNhIjoiOS4yOCIsInFzcCI6IjguOTAifQ%3D%3D&s=handmade&sr=1-30
  14. I've always wanted to make homemade vanilla, so I might try that at some point... and I do know how to crochet and in the past I've made scarves and blankets and may do that again this year or crochet some slipper socks...
  15. My grandson has been into dinosaurs for the past 2 years or so and he would definitely love this... you can put them together the correct way or mix and match and create your own dinosaur. BAODLON Dinosaur Toys for 3 4 5 6 7 Year Old Boys, Take Apart Dinosaur Toy for Kid 3-5 5-7 Building Toy with Electric Drill, Learning Educational STEM Construction Toy Christmas Birthday Gift Boy Girl https://a.co/d/cOnnJbl
  16. I will be baking gifts for sure this year!! The grands will get the majority of store bought gifts...the adults, I will have to see if the budget allows...
  17. https://www.amazon.com/Klutz-9781878257536-Cats-Cradle-Book/dp/1878257536/ref=mp_s_a_1_19?crid=21BZN5A88R1CH&keywords=unique+gifts+for+kids&qid=1665625256&qu=eyJxc2MiOiI4LjIzIiwicXNhIjoiOC4yMSIsInFzcCI6IjcuNzUifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=unique+gifts%2Caps%2C278&sr=8-19 Cat’s Cradle... enough said... seriously, had so much fun as a kid finding a piece of string and playing this...
  18. Some of the items I already had in my cart are now listed as "early Prime deals" with a couple dollars off... I definitely want the items, but $2 off is not a buy it now at this lower price situation... some of the things I can wait on...
  19. Walmart, Kohl's, Target (and Christmas Tree Shops small ad)...although I usually end up not getting much if anything at Target...
  20. A Christmas Story for sure... But I feel like something's missing if I don't watch It's a Wonderful Life on Christmas Eve with my Cousin...
  21. https://www.amazon.com/Year-Us-Question-Meaningful-Conversations/dp/1641524243/ref=sr_1_18?crid=KGKBKZ7RI46U&keywords=unique+gifts&qid=1665507249&qu=eyJxc2MiOiI5LjU3IiwicXNhIjoiOS4yOCIsInFzcCI6IjguOTAifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=unique%2Caps%2C154&sr=8-18 It says it's a couples journal..."Covering everything from the lighthearted to the heartfelt, this book will strengthen your connection as you explore engaging prompts over the course of a year"... This would be good if you're looking to reconnect with your spouse/partner or maybe this would make a great bridal shower gift...
  22. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0725W67WQ?ref_=pfb_HMD_1_9_qewcydblywtwpqat&tag=fbcmappex-20&ascsubtag=pfb-HMD-1-9-qewcydblywtwpqat&fbclid=IwAR3cExIWWpnX5VOAJzM87605cbD1Jb01s-NlABMqJARFMmFhhoDuy4_WZpg_aem_AadjTkam_IaTTifz1XSoISbWJTGu4J7Lipy274NVEwiPjhtaUv95xBvcM0MP_HwSSg_n_Be_POs3dZ2nz20dPXijQPHtZr99THq2kSfigaF3GOiYvemvYQcwkv7v_5t6z3k For a bit of nostalgia... Library Due Date Card Mug...
  23. I don’t have just one, but a couple that come to mind are Mary Did you Know, God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman and The Christmas Song...
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