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Everything posted by genoandkiddo

  1. I am seriously debating on how to do the doorbusters, cause I really want ($98 TV) but I also want some of the doorbusters at Target. I will be going at midnight to get their deals on BLU rays. Why Walmart? Why.............?
  2. Cookie Salad I usually quadrupple this recipe. 8oz Cool Whip 1c buttermilk 1 pkg vanilla pudding instant (banana works too) any fruit you want 1 pkg keebler striped cookies make pudding substitute milk with buttermilk, fold in cool whip. Drain fruit, add fruit, crush cookies and mix together. Chill. This is a staple at Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. We love it so much I make alot. BUT it always ruins my diet. :)
  3. I am taking my DD and this is her first time. I would have taken her last year but unfortunately she had surgery and was in a boot, not good on BF. She is do excited that she is watching this website for any ads.
  4. Oh Walmart we love you so!!
  5. Basically I make a list and Buy a little at a time, but the bigger stuff I wait for BF.
  6. I always try to do a little shopping before BF, that way on BF, I can finish up. Then have all of December to just chill.
  7. I usually start around January, but this year was a little bit different, cause we were chucking everything extra at a vacation. Which we took and had a blast. I started, but have mostly stocking stuffers. That's about it. We still have almost two months til BF, so I think I will be fine by then.
  8. I first started in the early 90's but stopped for awhile, then started back up so to answer the question over 15yrs.
  9. Your welcome! I hope it works for you. Good luck Friday.
  10. Nope, that doesn't happen at our's. The reason is every sale item is wrapped in plastic on a pallet.
  11. They are generally assembled and as far as I know they will have quite a few. Just go a little early, find out where they are and stand with the tire between your legs until the sale starts. It worked for me a couple of years ago, when my daughter needed a bigger bike and they were on sale for 39.00.
  12. We get to Walmart around 4:15. Walk around and then pick where everyone is going to be. Our walmart has maps of sale items. So you know exactly where to go. I have never walked out with nothing that was on my list for BF.
  13. I posted this in another thread, but Menards bf ad is on their website. www.menards.com
  14. genoandkiddo


    The Menards ad is on their website. www.menards.com
  15. genoandkiddo


    I am extremely disappointed in Menards. They don't have any eye popping stuff. That's crazy.
  16. genoandkiddo


    Two years ago we waited for someone to post the ad. It never happened until, I do believe the night before Thanksgiving. Then when we got our paper, we anxiously opened it, found every ad except for Menards. We had to go online to look at the ad. I hope that does'nt happen again. My Sis was so mad.
  17. You can use a StarBuck gift at any location. Like I said in my post earlier, there are stores that you can use them at other locations. Just because one of your stores close does'nt mean in the next down over, you will not be able to use them. Like Target's gift card, you can only use it at a Target store. It makes no difference which store, but only a Target store. That's why I go for the pre-paid Visa's.
  18. Its looking like Kmart for me as well, but Target had some really good stuff too. I guess, I will wait until Walmarts and then decide. Man it is going to be tough.
  19. Last year, my hubby went thanksgiving day. At our Kmart they hand out raffle tickets and draw. It is not who was first but who is lucky. Hubby didn't get the WII. He was so mad he has yet to go back to kmart to buy anything.
  20. I agree, you should watch your area for closures. But if you do happen to buy a gift card, you can still use them on some of the companies websites. Like Disneystore, Old Navy, JCpenney, and a few others. I like buying the pre-paid visa's myself. They work alot better and can be used pretty much everywhere.
  21. I think Sears and Kmart will rule this year. Hubby is already talking about going to Kmart on Thanksgiving. So that will save me some time. I am just waiting for Menards, Kmarts BF, Target and Walmart. And a few local ads, but won't see those until Thanksgiving day.
  22. genoandkiddo


    Our Lines aren't to bad outside, but man standing in line to check out, wow! It took my sis and I 45 minutes just to get to a register. Which wasn't too bad, considering the year before was 1 and 1\2 hours. I probably will go again this year, but maybe not. It all depends on the ad.
  23. There is a couple of things that I would like, but your right this year, I have done way more buying on-line. I guess we will have to wait and see what the bigger ads have.
  24. Our Target is also in a shopping center and no way would anyone tell me that they were there first. We can camp out, but I don't and not many people do. But everyone here is bascially right. You stand your ground, if they say anything you tell them to shove it. No one has that right, at all. Especially if there are rules. You go and try to get your tv, it is first come, first serve.
  25. 19 days no new ads, but they are coming.
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