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Everything posted by kathytheshopper

  1. Yep I just got back from Walmart. I forgot to mention above that I talked to customer service and the night manager and I did say to them that I better not find out it goes 75% off at midnight (which was in just a few hours). I called Walmart after I read the above post and sure enough the lady told me it was 75% off and I asked if she was sure and she said they told us yesterday it would go at midnight (last night). Ya think the manager could have told me last night????? They are getting a letter for sure from me now. The manager in seasonal was very nice. I told him the story and he said they should have just gone ahead and given it to me at that price. The least they could have done was tell me to come back at midnight 'cause I'm up late every night anyway. Arrrggggg. Talk about mis-communication. But it's Walmart, what do I expect right????
  2. I called my Walmart at 9:30 pm last night and I said "is your Christmas 50% or 75% off", she said 75%, I said "Really? It's 75% off"? She said, yes, what's left. So I quickly drove over there only to find out it was still 50%!!! I was not too happy. Then they found the clerk that answered the phone for me and she said that "I'm sorry that you misunderstood me". NOT! I'm a career shopper and I know what I'm doing and I know what she said. I have a letter ready to send the manager but I'm not sure if I will do it. I usually let that stuff slide but she kept saying that I misunderstood HER and that made me mad!
  3. Yippee, 75% off here. I got a ton of stuff. 2 pack of trees Those bright boxed ornaments and matching boxed garland-pink, purple, green, blue sets, and I got various other ornaments that will match. Penguin lite up for outside for my daughter-in-law. Tons of the LED lights-the pink ones that are really more purple, the multi colored ones and 6 boxes of white ones. Tissue paper, bags, boxes, tags, bubblewrap, Christmas designed Scotch mailing tape The poker dealer nutcracker and one of the lady ones. I'm going to paint over the 2010 and paint my son and daughter-in-laws names on them. They both work at the casino here so they will be cute to put out next year. 3 cd's and one book. Several Boxes of the "pie" kleenex. Christmas tennis balls, nightlights, fancy ornament hooks. I'm sure there's more but that gives you a good idea!
  4. Yippee, 75% off here. I got a ton of stuff. 2 pack of trees Those bright boxed ornaments and matching boxed garland-pink, purple, green, blue sets, and I got various other ornaments that will match. Penguin lite up for outside for my daughter-in-law. Tons of the LED lights-the pink ones that are really more purple, the multi colored ones and 6 boxes of white ones. Tissue paper, bags, boxes, tags, bubblewrap, Christmas designed Scotch mailing tape The poker dealer nutcracker and one of the lady ones. I'm going to paint over the 2010 and paint my son and daughter-in-laws names on them. They both work at the casino here so they will be cute to put out next year. 3 cd's and one book. Several Boxes of the "pie" kleenex. Christmas tennis balls, nightlights, fancy ornament hooks. I'm sure there's more but that gives you a good idea!
  5. There has been a mid-day drop here before but it was many, many years ago. It might have happened twice but that's it.
  6. 50% off Christmas STILL. Dollar spot is 75% off though. I got TONS of stuff there and got an extra 5% off using my Target card. :)
  7. If I call, I usuallly wait until about 1/2 hr after they open and if they sound the slightest bit hesitant I ask them to have someone check. You never know if the employee who answers the phone knows for sure.
  8. They never go 75% off on anything here. Goes 66%, 80% and 90% if anything is left.
  9. YOu never know about the lights. We have tons in my Iowa store. I will be getting those in the AM if it's 75% off.
  10. Still 50% off in Iowa. Will go in the am for hopefully 75% off dollar spot and Christmas. Then to Bath and Body to see what they mark down. They told me there would be more markdowns on Thursday.
  11. So do they keep marking stuff down? How often should a person check?
  12. I'm rather new to the Bath and Body works sales. Don't they have a super sale coming up soon? Does anyone know? My store had a few things at 75% off but mostly 50%.
  13. I was at Target when it opened this morning. Grabbed a couple dish soaps, aluminum foil, LED lantern lights and LED flashlight sets, etc... I went back with my son (home from college-I'm in 7th Heaven!) around 8:00 and it looked like a disaster area. The stocking stuffer type toys were pretty much all gone. I don't think I've seen that happen before. I don't know if they had less or if people are buying more. I did find 2 Lego sets for the Shoebox Project. I was hoping there would be stuff left at 75% off but there won't be this year. I did get a few Magna Doodles and Etch a Sketches for the boxes too. I was looking behind the shelves and found a few things that way. I also had a 10% off coupon and also the 5% when I use my Target red card.
  14. I just joined this site a few weeks ago. I'm glad I was able to post a great deal for everyone!
  15. WOW!! I sure was wishing for a 30% off! That's an amazing deal!
  16. I wasn't sure either but I gave it a try and they did. It was a very specific ad which helps.
  17. It has a specific date range. She could always return it and re-buy to get the rebate. That's what I just did this mortgage so I'd have the right receipt/form.
  18. I see Best Buy has their Literati readers on sale for $79.99. I had gotten two at Kohls so I took my ad over and they matched it. Plus I had 15% off AND there's a $10.00 rebate! That will make them $58.00 (plus tax) after the rebate. For that price, even if they aren't that great, it's still worth it. I've got one already wrapped for my daughter-in-law. I'm not sure what I'm doing with the extra one-I might keep it for me. I read all the time. Fun! WOW, just found a $30.00 rebate on here. That will make them $38.00 after the rebate.
  19. Believe me, it's not always good here. I about got killed here on a Black Friday about 3 years ago. Nasty. I don't think I'd ever do an electronic BF deal at Walmart again.
  20. Coralville, Iowa. The clerk said there were 6 left. Thanks everybody!
  21. I would assume that's a good price. I was wandering around the store late Friday night (early Sat morning) and found an encap that had a display model so I asked about it. Sure enough they had 8 in the back so I got two. It's the Satellite L455D-S5976. I looked it up online and it has good reviews. I bought one for me and I'm asking my friends with the 9 kids if the senior in high school would like to buy the other one from me for college next year. Seems like a good deal. I'm sending her the link. No Black Friday lines-no line at all-no stress-decent computer! :)
  22. I love Emmett Otter too! I used to watch that with my son when he was litte. Movies I love besides that one: Holiday Inn White Christmas Charlie Brown Veggie Tales It's a Wonderful Life Rudolph The Nativity Story-it's so beautiful Elf The old Scrooge one. Miracle on 34th Street (1947)-it's on tv as I write this. The Santa Claus There are probably some more but these come to mind.
  23. "Insane", "crazy", "lost my mind"-are you a therapist? :)
  24. I'm afraid if that type of person sees himself on video he will only think how cool he is. I think that's the mentality of a person like behaves like that.
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