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Everything posted by kathytheshopper

  1. Old Navy at midnight-was there about 10:45 and was third in line. They handed out wristbands about 1/2 before they opened for the Kinect game. More people in line that the 60 games they had. Bought the boys (ok, men now!) underwear, checked out and was done there. Went to Walmart where the lines were really long. Got two Cricut cartridges and 2 fo the 2qt Crockpots. Checked out in electronics - 3 people ahead of me. Then home for a quick sandwich. Back to Walmart-no lines at all and bought some Rubbermaid. Then on to wait at Younkers. Got some Pyrex and Emu boots. Over to Penneys for the cookware. Drove over to Kohls to chuckle at the lines. Both checkouts wove down the length of the store and about a 1/4 of the way along the back side. Back to mall to talk to my sister. Then went over to Gordmans for the 25% off bag. Got stuff for my sister (and me too). Off to Scheels for the 99 cent socks. Got a dozen of those. By this time I was getting a bit woozy! Then back to the mall kiosk where the first 500 people got a shopping bag and a $10.00 mall gift card. Then home to bed for about 5 hours of sleep. It was a very nice Black Friday. (I guess someone fainted at our Target store-that's too bad.)
  2. Sorry to hear about your bad experience. Keep checking the ads because there will still be some good deals and no lines! Maybe they figured if this was something worth waiting in line for they better get it too. Or they are just plain selfish! I'd write a letter to Best Buy Corporate and tell them what happened, how incredibly long you waited and that it's bad customer relations to only have 3 of any advertised item and not let people know who have been waiting in line FOREVER. They could at least put a sign on the door and state how many of the super deals they have so people dont' end up frustrated and mad at the store. It's worth a try-you never know what corporate might do for you!
  3. That's what they sold them for at Michaels on Thursday even though it wasn't advertised at that price. Good deals!
  4. Too funny! I was at Penneys when they opened and just for the heck of it I went over to look at those pans and they WERE at that sale price!!! Not in our ad, not in the online ad, just in the "leaked" ad. So I don't have a clue what that was all about. But I'm happy!
  5. Don't you just love a fun experience on Black Friday! :)
  6. Was in line at Old Navy at 10:45. They gave out wrist bands for the Dance Central game. Very nice crowd, very orderly. I bought my boys underwear (ok, men, as they are 19 and 26) so I could get the game for free. My oldest is getting the Kinect for Christmas so this game will be fun for his wife! (And me when he brings it over. lol). Then I went to Walmart around 12:30. OMG it was CRAZY. Lines were zigzaging down the isles, etc... I did buy two Cricut cartridges (20.00) and two Rival 2 Qt Crockpots for 2.97. I was smart and went to electronics where there were only 3 in front of me at the checkout there. I think the main checkout lines will take at least an hour, probably longer. When I left the mall area around 1:15 there were probably 40 people in line at Target. Also, since Old Navy opened at midnight, Gap was open, Abercrombie, Eddie Bauer and the Childrens Place were also open. No crowds in those. Now I'm home for a quick snack and back to the mall (I live 5 minutes away) to wait for Younkers to open (3:00 not 4:00 as the ad says) and then to Penneys (3:30 not 4:00 as the ad states.) Not sure where after that. I may go to Target just to watch the madness! :)
  7. Well someone is going to be getting some great deals!
  8. It's crazy but it's fun. I also miss the good ole days but luckily I'm old enough that I don't really need anything that badly. I like to watch all the people having fun though. There are some things I'm getting-Old Navy kinect game (hopefully), a few things at Younkers, etc... I will NEVER try to get a computer at Walmart. There was almost a riot there one year. I did write corporate about it but of course never heard back from them. And it was brought about by the employees! We shoppers had a congenial line and begged for tickets, made suggestions so that we would get one by who was in line first, or SOMETHING so there wouldn't be a mad rush. But of course they wouldn't do that and everyone rushed the pallets, etc... People that had been standing there for hours didn't get one but people who walked in 10 minutes before and rushed it did. I put the blame solely on the store manager for not listening to the people in the line and seeing there could be a problem. Heck one of the clerks almost got squashed. She was all red in the face when it was over. That was just a terrible time. I remember going over to Office Depot, getting in line and getting one there, no problem. Never again at Walmart!
  9. Went to the gas station about 3:40 AM and got the paper. We have a Younkers here and they have a $10.00 off a $10.00 purchase so I wanted to make sure I got that. Two years ago when I went to get my paper in the wee hours someone had purchased ALL the papers but only took the Younkers ads out and left the rest of the papers there. The clerk was nice enough to tell me that so I went to another store and checked to make sure the coupon was still in that paper before I bought it.
  10. ONly two (a couple) at our Best Buy at 4:00 PM Thanksgiving.
  11. Has anyone noticed this? The leaked ad pages 2-3 does not appear in my print ad. And I thought I was being super smart too. I went to Penneys on Wednesday and bought the Pyrex set and the cookware set (the 19.99 after rebate one that was regularly around 169 or so). I was planning to then go to Penneys when they opened and have them price adjust it. They said that would work. When I got my paper ads at 3:40AM today I couldn't find them advertised. I then went to the leaked ad and noticed it was 72 pages but the paper ad is 54. Anyone else notice this? Now I have some returning to do! Also the leaked Michaels ad said those two in one craft sets would be 4.99 but the paper ad says 6.99.
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