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Everything posted by MsKate

  1. A lot of the items are on sale now (at least online). Reminder that Michaels will price-match + give additional 10% off competitor's prices.
  2. Menards, Michael's, Joann, Theisen's.
  3. In for 3 throws. With $5 discount for in-store pickup, Kohl's cash coupon inside mailer, and 15% off coupon, I paid $13 with tax. SCORE! Now to keep our son from snagging these, like he does with every soft blanket.
  4. A. I don't shop at Walmart often enough to warrant the membership, even on BF.
  5. Several years ago, we scored some rather inexpensive towels at Target. I don't remember the price, but my wife and I each bought the limit. We ended up donating these to a homeless shelter. Since then, we try to find washcloths or towels for purchase on BF so that we can donate them. Pay it forward!
  6. Happy October! It's the month of our wedding anniversary, our son's birthday, and hopefully a quick sale on our old house.
  7. Happy September 1! Just 4 months until 2022 starts!
  8. Happy August! Only 3 weeks until school starts here!
  9. What does one do when they have insomnia? Work on packing. Movers come in 32 hours.
  10. It's June! Also known as "gotta pack 'er up, we bought a house!"
  11. It's nice outside, open the windows. Start hacking and sneezing, close the windows. Turn A/C on in Iowa in April. Happy allergy season, everyone!
  12. Ahh, yes...March. Muddy and gray and the beginnings of the floods.
  13. I'm having a hard time believing that we've already had one month of this year.
  14. Can I just go back to that period between Christmas and New Year's where I didn't have to work?
  15. Thanks for posting these! My wife has a smoker, and our son (9) is learning to cook. I got a few things for both!
  16. I've already placed 2 orders. Pickup Friday.
  17. MsKate

    Smart Thermostat

    Thanks for the reminder! Our utility company is offering $115 rebates on smart thermostats. We bought a new HVAC system earlier this year, so these will pay off nicely!
  18. I think this is the first year in about 10 or more years that we won't be going to B&BW on BF.
  19. Right now, my "desk" is in my living room, and my back is to the front door. No porch pirates for us this year!
  20. I was lazy...I'm having everything shipped. Lots of boxes from UPS!
  21. Later on, I was FORCED to make a few more purchases. It was a sacrifice I was willing to make...lol
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