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Everything posted by cllehto

  1. With all the online Black Friday sales already going on, it seems like Black Friday already-only without the waiting in line in the cold. But, some of the earlier deals were better than some of the current deals.
  2. cllehto

    Working on BF

    I don't have to work. Honestly, I haven't seen ads for anything that I really want to get up early for. I'll still go out but no "must haves" this year.
  3. I agree. I spend less too. Plus I've found some good coupons on Amazon before Black Friday so the things I want are cheaper. Other things I miss the sale and decide I don't want. lol
  4. I'm waiting for the Home Depot poinsettias too. The Aldi's by me only had $5.99 ones.
  5. I agree that the old Black Friday is gone. Even Kohl's didn't have as long a line last year.
  6. Time with you if you live nearby. Take them out to dinner or a local Christmas event.
  7. I found some nice Christmas cactuses at Aldi's. They weren't on sale but weren't really expensive either. Still want the poinsettias from Home Depot. Last year we also go a few small Christmas trees and gave them away to people who would not have a Christmas tree otherwise.
  8. Id go with a Samsung. I've had good luck with them and we don't have cable so Samsung + gives us a lot more channels than just over the air TV.
  9. They might but I'm sure other stores would hear about their sale and put the stuff on sale early to take the business away from them. That's sort of what it seems like they're doing now with all the early sales.
  10. Our paper doesn't have many ads any more. I like having paper copies of the ads.
  11. I noticed that too. Also note that some items were on sale at the same price before but also had a coupon which made them even less. I noticed that last year and look for the coupon deals early this year. I've noticed also that the night before a gold box deal some of the items were cheaper and sometimes had coupons.
  12. Can't wait for an actual ad
  13. I agree that too many things are excluded from the coupons. I guess I haven't gotten their new credit card. Must be trying to get you to use it other places or something. I have found some of the items I could only find at Kohl's on Amazon at a much lower price. They seem to be the same quality . I try not to go to Kohl's near opening on Black Friday because the lines were super long the few times I went. I prefer to shop online for Kohl's and have stuff shipped to out of state relatives. That usually works...but one year they shipped the stuff to me even though I put a different address and said they couldn't change it even though I called as soon as I got the email confirmation and the shipping address had been changed to mine. Now I'm hesitant to order stuff for another address.
  14. I'll go out on Black Friday even if I have nothing in mind to shop for. I'm not sure if shopping online saves money or costs money. If you are looking for just one big deal and check out quickly there isn't as much impulse buying. But if you are just checking out all the many sales and find one or two things you want it adds up...and it's easier to use a credit card than cash-if that's how you pay -and it's easy to spend more.
  15. Yeah. I think when the kids were old enough to go they were as excited about Black Friday as I was. We would look through all the ads that came in the Thanksgiving Day paper after lunch and plan out strategy for Black Friday. We took the ads with similar door busters and ones for stores we knew we would go to with us to look for different stores if we didn't get the door buster of choice. We scored a laptop one year by going to a store with fewer popular deals that opened an hour later than our choice. Fun times.
  16. It's definitely harder now without the ads in hand.
  17. Congratulations to all the winners
  18. JC Penney beauty rest beachfront queen mattress set. $999.
  19. I still would prefer paper ads. Easier to lay them out and compare deals.
  20. That's a thought. For that many "prizes" it would probably have to be a sheet of stickers or some such thing. But....if you got 45 of this years prize, you would have your Christmas shopping done. Lol
  21. Thanks! That's very helpful.
  22. I agree that finding experiences is difficult. My daughter likes unique gifts....those are hard too. It was easier when the kids were little and liked everything. Lol
  23. It just seems like the ads are later because they are having so many pre Black Friday sales it seems like the Black Friday sales ads should be out so you can compare prices and decide if you should buy the items this time or wait .
  24. I agree. It's not the same. You really would like your kids to have presents to open on Christmas day but you have to ship early to get them to arrive before Christmas so they get opened before that. You wonder if they have any presents on Christmas day or even a tree. Sometimes you know they are working on Christmas day and helping to make others happier for Christmas. It's different when they grow up
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