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Everything posted by cllehto

  1. Didn't we have that already a few weeks ago?
  2. Happy President's Day!
  3. Happy Valentine's Day!
  4. I agree, But they all look good!
  5. Happy Birthday! Good luck with the medical issues. I always hate open enrollment because it's hard to find a plan that still covers your doctors-seems the current plan changes every year...sometimes midyear.
  6. Christmas is a little over a week away and I saw valentines candy in a store yesterday. I wonder how soon next year's Christmas sales will start.
  7. https://www.amazon.com/gcx/Gift-Cards/gfhz/category/ref=_1?_encoding=UTF8&ascsubtag=75234f8ab6ef11ef88d56a27e9b9ae100INT&categoryId=gift-cards&pf_rd_i=2238192011%3Fsdsrc%3Dstaff&scrollState=eyJpdGVtSW5kZXgiOjAsInNjcm9sbE9mZnNldCI6LTkyLjU0Njg3NX0%3D&sectionManagerState=eyJzZWN0aW9uVHlwZUVuZEluZGV4Ijp7ImFtYWJvdCI6MH19&tag=gottadeal-20 Amazon has gift cart promos
  8. My tree is in a pot. It sat on a stand for a couple of weeks before I decorated it with small bells. It looks festive without any other decorations.
  9. It's hard to avoid having stuff delivered by USPS because the packages often start out with a different carrier and you don't know it's going to USPS until you check the progress and see it's gone to USPS...or they say it's delivered and you can't find it and you check the progress with the place it was supposed to be coming from and there is a note it was sent to USPS so no tracking is available.
  10. It looked better in the ad. Should have at least got the hammer .
  11. I agree I hate that too. It happens a lot this year.
  12. I went to JCPenny the other day to use the coupons for 4-8 Dec that I got on Black Friday. Their sale was for some of the items I got on Black Friday for twice as much. You couldn't use their coupons if you used the $10 off coupon either. I wish the coupons for the $10 off $10 had been for Black Friday instead of for Dec 4-8. I would have gotten much better deals. Oh yeah....you also couldn't use the 10% off for the "golden tote" either. When they handed them out they told us you could use them with other coupons. Some of the sales people don't even know what they are for.
  13. Ugg! I like shopping a lot better than wrapping.
  14. I'm glad you found out how to get it.
  15. I thought you were going to say you were way behind on shopping for yourself. Lol I haven't even started candy making yet. There are fewer people at home so it lasts longer and I don't usually make as much....so I put it off.
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