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Everything posted by cllehto

  1. In past years the stores cleared out around 1 pm because the doorbusters ended then. You had to hurry to get in line before 1pm. I didn't see anything about ending times this year. This year the stores were busier in the afternoon because you could sleep in if you bought the bigger deals online or didn't want something you thought would sell out.
  2. I usually get the 6 pack of washcloths that are usually $3-$4 when I need a small amount more. I never see anything for a dollar.
  3. You must live in a crowded area...or have fewer JCPenny stores there. I was disappointed at the low turnout at the one I went to.
  4. I hope next year is better!
  5. Amazon has some deals going on for gift cards. several sites have buy one and get a $10 card for yourself-chilis, outback steakhouse, Texas roadhouse and a few others.
  6. That sounds like my JC Penny trip on Black Friday. A few more people at the start, then went to Kohls, then back and they had lots of snow globes but had stopped passing out the coupons.
  7. I have trouble with their site.
  8. Congratulations. The gift that lasts all year!
  9. I picked up the ads at the front of the store as I entered. I like to see the ads on paper. It's easier to shop/
  10. Did it disappoint you? It wasn't the same as it used to be.
  11. Black Friday sales are over but from the look of stuff still in the stores, they might discount even more to sell the stuff by Christmas
  12. I've got what I need but I'll be Christmas shopping until Christmas...and then start for next year. lol
  13. I went to Walmart yesterday to turn in my Angel tree gifts and looked around some. There were still quite a few boxes of the Black Friday deals around the store I guess some of them they keep out until gone.
  14. Congratulations. It didn't say on the winning ticket how to get the prize? You might have to talk to someone at Kohl's to see what the redemption is. I thought they gave you the prize when you win it.
  15. I think a lot of items on sale Black Friday were cheaper with coupons available before Black Friday.
  16. Daughters and I left home around 4:35 to go to JCPenny for the coupons and snow globes. Maybe 50 in line at 4:50 when we arrived. Got the coupons and snow globes and headed to Kohls. Let the daughters out by the entrance and parked the car. They got coupons but they were out after I parked the car. It was around 5:30. Target was on the way and had a line past several stores at that time and their parking lot was busy. We shopped for sweaters and checked out. Not really busy- checkout line only had a few people in it. Headed back to JCPenny to use the coupons. JCPenny had stopped handing out coupons but were handing out snow globes-there were still a hundred or more left. We shopped and paid for the items. The line was long but about a quarter of what a normal Black Friday would have had. Next stop Lowe's for poinsettias. There were not many cars in the parking lot at around 7 am. They had racks and racks of the 2 for $12 poinsettias by the door outside and in the isle when you walked in. We looked around the area with the flowers and could not find the 2 for $3 ones. I asked a salesperson and was directed towards the end farthest away from the garden area. We didn't find them in the area we had been directed to but went a few rows further and found 2 people passing them out - there were still hundreds left. We selected ours and checked out. On to McDonald's for breakfast. Took a break to relax and then took one daughter to the airport for her return flight home. Returned to JCPenny a few minutes before the 1 o'clock giveaway. There were maybe 20 people in line for the giveaway. It was in the middle of the store so you had to hunt for it...or ask someone. The coupons at that giveaway were for next week. We left. Returned at 4:55 for the "golden shopping bag" giveaway. We were 2nd in line. We shopped for gifts for a few friends. When we checked out there was one person in front of us. Around 6pm we headed for Bath and Body Works. It was packed. Much busier than the stores we shopped earlier.
  17. Congratulations! I went and got a snow globe and $10 off$10 coupon.....then back at 1 and got $10 off $10 to be used Next week.....then the golden shopping bag with 10% off from now until Dec 24th- used it already. lol I don't think they had as many people show up as expected because they had a lot of snow globes left to give out when we went back after going to Kohl's. They had stopped giving out coupon cards by then. Also they had a lot of "golden shopping bags" after a while too. The morning line was maybe 50 people when we got there 10 minutes before they let people in (used to be hundreds). At 1 there were about 20 people in line- they had the line in the middle of the store instead of by the door so we had to ask where they were giving out the stuff. At 5 there were maybe 10 people in line when it started. Not the excitement of the old Black Fridays. After the first coupon giveaway I went to Kohl's and got $5 off coupon-or should I say my daughter did-they ran out while I parked the car.
  18. Happy Thanksgiving!
  19. I agree that sometimes it's not worth the hassle to save a few bucks and it's less stressful to have it and not worrying about getting one.
  20. It's online on the gottadeal site.
  21. I found a remote controlled robot that I think my grandson will like.
  22. cllehto

    Outlet Malls

    The one near us had really good deals on Black Friday. But as someone mentioned Parking is terrible!
  23. Lucky!
  24. I'm still hoping for the 99 cent poinsettias. The also had small Christmas trees for half price. They make good gifts.
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