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Everything posted by supermom4

  1. Halloween Clearance-- Dartmouth, MA - yesterday was 70% dollar & Halloween costumes/decor, Food/candy was still 30% Wareham, MA - today: dollar spot salvaged, 70% Halloween costumes/decor, and Food/Candy was 50% A few Halloween items, such as Hallmark cards were regular price, and the Halloween Barbie & Kelly dolls were marked, and scanned at only 30% off. I managed to get 5 boxes pumpkin stake lights for $3.60 each in Dartmouth yesterday, as they still only had the 50% signs up.
  2. Yay! So glad this thread is up again! The 25 cent Sharpie marker deal was IMO the best deal this week. My Office Max included ALL the Sharpies, so I got several Paint pen versions, as well as the two ended (the ones with fine & medium tipped ends) for 25 cents each! There is a 10 per household limit, but still, an AWESOME deal!
  3. jakesmommy403 - SO jealous of the garland!! There was none left at either store I went to. Couldn't make it out yesterday, and I bet anything left today will scan INF. - - Please post if anyone gets any hidden finds today that still scan 90%! I am tempted to go looking for more tape - that's one of my usual things, and since I only got one roll this year, I know my kids will go through what I have too quickly. To quote my FIL, "You can have scotch tape, or you can have kids...but don't expect to have both." I managed to get through this past year with both thanks to finding lots of tape 90% off after last Christmas, not sure what's gonna happen this year!! LOL!!
  4. FINALLY found ONE roll of tape at 90% at my local store. It's the Scotch Magic (Matte finish) Invisible tape, 3/4 x 500in roll, green hang tag. ###081060868 Scotch Tape, $0.20 I tried checking the target site for inventory using the item number from my receipt (above), but it didn't find it, or maybe I'm not doing it right. Is there a way to check clearance inventory like this online?
  5. 90/70 here!!! Got out a bit late, but still scored some good things. Didn't find any tape, but did get 10 pairs of 8" scotch scissors for 50 cents each!!!!
  6. Snowed in, so hope it doesn't go 90% here today.
  7. Darn!! Just 70 again here today - snow didn't fall overnight as expected, so schools were open & I thought I'd check out Target. Lots of ball ornaments, bows, and various other stuff left here. I thought maybe with the impending doom of "Hercules" they might go 90 today.
  8. asenap01 - Where are you?!! I didn't bother going out today since ours just went 70% on Monday, but now we're supposed to have a big snow storm coming in tonight through Friday....wonder if anything will be left?
  9. 70/50 here, and dollar spot clearance was gone (salvaged). Due to the number of people scouring the area, I decided to go ahead and buy the ornaments & wrapping paper that I really wanted. I was disappointed that the holiday boxes of Kleenex were only marked 30% off though. Lots of tape left, so hoping to hold out for 90% there. Forgot to look for the ziplock bags.
  10. Have had a hell of a summer moving from PA to MA, and have missed out on all the great deals. (So extremely sad about the Hobbit Legos!!) Now we're finally getting settled in, and I was wondering if anyone had found any sale/clearance+coupon deals for kids/juniors apparel? I remember finding some great coupons for $$ off jeans and such last year, then combined with the slae/clearance prices they came up next to nothing...anyone come across any such deals this month?!
  11. If anyone can post photos of their finds - that would be super helpful!
  12. Maybe not - I went back to my store tonight, and all the clearance jewelry stuff was put back on the endcaps in the scrabooking/beading area, and they had stopped the additional 70% off. (So, just selling at what they were marked.) All the 90% off was gone - I suspect it either got bagged up for grab bags and already sold, or they will be putting bags out in the next few days. Either way, I really don't NEED to go get anything, so I am going to TRY to keep myself from going there unless I really HAVE to get something. (I admit it - am a bargain shopping & craft addict!! ) Oh well, it was fun, and I am going to make some great craft baskets to be raffled off at my Service Unit's Girl Scout Leader end-of-the year event, As well as make some little Leader gifts for each of them. (I volunteered to help with the Adult recognitions this year.)
  13. Thought I'd post a couple of pics of stuff I got -this is just the 90% & 70% stuff I bought. The grab bag boxes I selected went straight to the storage, so my hubby wouldn't get upset with me bringing too much home at once. Most of the stuff in one of the grab boxes was Christmas - lots of gem stickers, a ceramic Santa figure, and a bunch of scented candles, another was full of craft & fabric paints (I figure some of those might be pretty old, but hey - it was only $2 for a bankers box full of them!), and the last was seasonal scrapbooking supplies. SO --- Don't neglect the grab bags if your store does them - there are often some great treasures in them. My cutting board (which retailed for $19.99) I found in a grab bag last spring. You can peek in the grab bags to select which ones you want. At least my store doesn't mind me doing it!
  14. Thanks so much for this heads up! My Michaels store also had grab bags, which were actually boxes, for $2, and I scored a bunch of great stuff. The jewelry stuff was 70%, but there was tons of stuff at 90% off!
  15. I just went to one of my stores - seasonal stuff still scanning at 90%, nothing came up INF yet... I managed to find 2 of the GUM toothbrushes!! Thanks so much to the person who posted the tip about looking for the barcode sticker, that made it so easy. I just felt the back of each with my fingertips, instead of having to take them all off each peg to check. I have one last store to check later, really want to find at least one more package of the Chinet Crystal Cut plates if possible for DD's birthday. She'll be 17, and we are moving away this summer, so I want to have a really nice party for her with all her friends (and she has many). I have not seen any of those frame sets. I am thinking my stores didn't get them.
  16. I almost or got to mention that I scanned the GUM Crayola & Star Wars tooth brushes, and they were full price at my stores. A real bummer. I groaned when I picked up the large carton of Christmas Goldfish crackers, and they STILL scanned at full price. I also had found several bags of Holiday Chex mix, but even though the packaging has a Snowman on it, it scanned at full price. There was a Muddy Buddy variety with a snowman that was full price, BUT the Peppermint variety with a Penguin scanned at 90%. What the?! I just don't get it.
  17. I couldn't fit all the photos in that post, so here is the last one - the Renyolds foil & parchment paper! I really had to dig on the shelves for these, and again, only found them at one of the stores (not the same one as the scissors though!). Found 2 of the parchment paper, and 3 rolls of foil; 2-45 ft. Heavy Duty, and 1-70ft. of regular foil. Couldn't find any cling wrap though.
  18. I went to three other stores this evening -- for the most part, there was little left in the seasonal section (about 1/2 to 1 isle per store, except Malvern, which had already boxed it all for salvage). However, thanks to many of your tips & great photos, I was able to score some good stuff today! I finally found some scissors (only at one out of four stores), and found a few rolls of tape at each store. The ones that scan at 90% off do NOT have an American flag on the packaging, but be sure to scan, because although the hand dispenser I found at one store was 90% off, it was full price at the next store - maybe it was a different SKU number. I took some photos of some of the items I've purchased in the past few days - and will try to add them. The dipped pretzel rods I bought at 70% off, and glad that I did cause I didn't see any of them left at the stores I went to. I did find the containers of popcorn though, they had been put back on the regular isle with the other Archer farms popcorn/nut snacks. So be sure to check there. The 90% off ones will not have a band of printed tape going across the lid, a d the label is a little different, but no snowflakes or anything Christmassy on them. Sorry, tired of typing now, so I'll let the pictures tell the rest...
  19. 90% off at the first store I went to today - didn't get a lot, mainly gift bags & tissue, but I spotted a display cap up by the registers full of the packages of plastic champagne flutes -- grabbed one as my cashier was ringing up my haul & had her scan... $0.29!! Each package contains 8 - I got five of them. I was tempted to buy the lot, but DD kept me from going too crazy. The shelf still says $2.99 - but I recognized them from being in the seasonal section. Having to play taxi to my mom, hubby, and kids has kept me from getting to other stores , so don't know if I'll find anything else, but am determined to try - won't waste my time in Malvern though, since I did see them packing everything up yesterday, and they did the same thing last year as well.
  20. Found an item & scanned on my way in the store - still 70%, but when I got to the seasonal area, they were already packing up for salvage here.
  21. About to go check my store - just in case. 70% off went earlier than usual for my store this time (they are usually about two days behind everyone else) so I just don't know what to expect this year.
  22. Still 70% off Christmas & 50% off candy here in PA. Lots of team activity in linens/home decor area, and seasonal area though - stock up sale, I guess. Lots of odds and ends left in Christmas, and a fair amount of candy left. Think I'll go ahead and pick up a few more canisters of dipped pretzel rods today, and some chocolate for my mom, but not interested in much else. Was really hoping 90% would go today.
  23. Anyone venture out today yet? Just curious if they might surprise us with 90% off today. On another note - anyone else notice 15% off markdowns in health/beauty section (kids bath sets, lotion, makeup, etc.)? I think this is really ridiculous. My store is going this. That stuff is just going to be staying on the shelf.
  24. Can you post a photo and/or the UPC code for the scissors? I scanned a few today, but all were regular price. I forgot to mention earlier that I bought several of the Archer Farms plastic canisters of dipped pretzels for $1.49 today. Just so happens I'm hosting a Harry Potter themed event next month, and had planned to make dipped pretzels (for edible wands), but this saved me all that work & a bunch of money to boot! I also think the plastic canister containers are quite nice, so plan to remove the sticker labels and reuse them for spaghetti noodles, cereal, craft supplies, etc. after the event. I'm sure they won't be able to be put into the dishwasher, but should hold up fine hand washed. When you think about how much storage containers cost, these are super cheap & will serve two purposes!
  25. I was amazed that there was anything left at my Target, and did pretty well! 70% off Christmas, 50% most candy...you gotta scan, because a few items came up 70% off. They actually put up a sign in the dollar spot this time, so much of the good stuff was already gone there, but I did get a few of those small rolls of wrapping paper, some knit gloves, pedicure sets, body lotion, erasers, and a few golf things for my BIL. I lucked out and found 3-4pks of the Tissues (Regular isle), also found the Winter Oreos (red filling) on the cookie isle. My store still has LOTS of wrapping paper, tissue, and gift bags, but not many lights left.
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