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Everything posted by ClosedAcct

  1. Me three!!
  2. No music, no movies yet but I have started labeling all my Christmas cards! That much writing at once hurts my wrist so I decided to do it sections this year.
  3. Yay thank you! I love these!
  4. Nevermind! Just this really old work printer
  5. Mine wouldn't print. It kept giving me the preview only and then an error.
  6. Thanks, I'll add you to that list
  7. Updated! Two notes: I'm assuming at this point everyone has met the requirements for participating but I will be verifying before I distribute names (I was only burned once on the summer exchange but if I had done my homework, I wouldn't have so I will be doing my best to prevent that from happening this time!) And on a more positive note: Thank you to those of you who've offered to be an Elf. I am keeping a list (and checking it twice )!
  8. Check Fanzz in the mall. I live in Texas too but I've found all kinds of small Packers items in there and they're good about diversifying their stuff when it comes to smalls. I know I've seen Red Sox stuff but not sure on the Giants.
  9. I'm on the beach til Sunday but I will acknowledge emails and update the list when I get back to my laptop Have a good weekend.
  10. To keep my sanity, I'm only adding your name after I've received your questions so if you haven't sent yet, that's why ya don't see yourself Updated!
  11. Updated! Also, I clarified the question about home-made foods. The question was written "do you mind...." whereby "yes" would mean you do mind and you don't want them and "no" would mean you don't mind them and would accept them. I got a few answers that said things like "Yes, cookies are good!" I know that's a pretty clear answer but still....in the instances where "yes" might really mean "Send them to me" and not "yes I mind, please don't", I edited the question
  12. Top post updated with clarifications on what each exchange is, the addition of the recipe to the card exchange, and the addition of those who've signed up!
  13. Thanks for the help. I used the spoiler button to try and keep the post clean
  14. I meant to suggest that! I'll update the first post
  15. 2012 Secret Santa, Ornament Exchange, and Card Exchange In Eve's absence, I've been asked to host this year's festivities!! We are getting started a few weeks later than normal but if you would like to participate, please email me at: [email protected]. I've merged my summer rules with Eve's rules so please review all the rules before signing up. If you have any questions, just let me know! Have fun! This is not an official GottaDeal.com event, so participate at your own risk. GottaDeal cannot be held responsible if you do not receive anything. Please include in your email: 1. The exchanges in which you would like to participate; 2. Your forum username, your name and your address; 3. The answers to the questions below; (If you have any questions you think we should add to the list, please feel free to email or PM them to me!) - the questions are just for secret Santa/ornament exchange 4. And anything else you'd like your Secret Santa to know about you! Questions!! Rules: 1. Secret Santa - It's just like it sounds - a secret exchange of gifts! There's a MINIMUM of $10 before shipping. If you choose to spend more, please don't be disappointed if your partner doesn't. 2. Ornament Exchange - It's just like it sounds - an exchange of ornaments! There's a MINIMUM of $5 before shipping. If you choose to spend more, please don't be disappointed if your partner doesn't. 3. Card Exchange - What is this one? It's an exchange of holiday greeting cards. You send a card to everyone who signs up for the card exchange and you get one from everyone who signs up! Also, if you have a favorite holiday recipe, please include it with the cards you send out. You'll get some great ones in exchange too! There is no minimum (nor delivery confirmation) but please understand that you send a card to everyone on the list so if 50 people join the exchange, it would cost $22.50 in stamps to send them (current first class price is $0.45). 4. Delivery confirmation is a MUST. Please PM/email me the DC number so that we can keep track of everything. 5. Insurance from the USPS is a must it is only $1.70 for anything under $50.00. There have been issues in the past thus this rule has been added. 6. Everything must be sent in a BOX with PLENTY of padding. Again, prior issue now require that this be a rule. 7. No junk. Everything must be new/unused within reason. Used books, CDs, and DVDs are okay as long as they are in a like new condition that you would be okay with receiving. 8. The last day to sign up is Wednesday, October 31st. (I will have names out by no later than Sunday, November 4th) 9. The last day to ship is Monday, December 3rd (if you cannot ship by this date you must ship priority and PM me to let me know). 10. If you are participating in the Card Exchange, please feel free to ship any time. Just make sure to consider holiday mail deliver times. 11. You must have been a member since May 1, with some posting activity, in order to participate. This helps to make sure that only dedicated GottaDealers are participating and we have less of a chance of people flaking out. Also, if you have flaked on any of the 2011 events or the 2012 summer event, you will not be allowed to participate. Secret Santa: Racerfan momof3luvs1 mallard854 HillBillyswife Jendeere rsthayer Momlori Bopeep msyves speeddiva willandmel tinkrbel Lori76 Cassy krissy72 pretweety7 shaneberry21 tokanm Spice9195 youngjhawk Lis415529 Jstluvem nikkilugi sbaldasare raven20_79 pogiporkchop harrispizza4 nafcmf Illinoismom beccasbank flychild7 vern28 mcapel4444 hockeyfanamo jenvargas guilliam npg allshoppedout Tammy9880 lilquiet caitlinn gatorburg dealluvr naenae248 SuggaD Lorie Ornament Exchange: Racerfan HillBillyswife rsthayer Bopeep willandmel shaneberry21 tokanm Lis415529 Jstluvem nikkilugi Mandy4Matt Swampbaby sbaldasare pogiporkchop nafcmf Illinoismom beccasbank flychild7 vern28 mcapel4444 hockeyfanamo jenvargas lilquiet caitlinn Blessedmama bfaddict716 naenae248 SuggaD Card Exchange: packergurl24 mommyofanangelbaby HillBillyswife willandmel krissy72 shaneberry21 Jstluvem harrispizza4 Illinoismom beccasbank flychild7 vern28 hockeyfanamo Tammy9880 caitlinn AndreaInNC Blessedmama bfaddict716 naenae248 SuggaD Swampbaby
  16. Hahahaha!! I'm just in decisive about the Christmas scents so I buy all the ones I like. I'm not allowed in there this Christmas season.
  17. Yes please share! I have a major problem, or so I've been told
  18. I have 17 (4 are from on Friday) brand new ones in my cabinet. I went a little nuts at the after Christmas sale last year.
  19. Understood! I'm not allowed to buy any more since I went crazy in the store on Friday
  20. I can't find you a new $1 shipping one but if you're spending $50, I just tested FREEMINI50 and you get free shipping plus a mini candle for free.
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