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Posts posted by brinak2005

  1. I do not awlays shop Kmart on BF but on times I have I have gotten there later in the morning and would get almost everything on my list. I also shop there on Thanksgiving morning and have found out the hard way that if I do not get there right after they open on Thanksgiving I would not get half of the stuff I wanted.

    That's been my experience at my Kmart too. Thanksgiving morning is way busier for them than BF. I definitely have to get there early if they something I must have.

  2. I am thinking of making Toys R Us a priority on my BF shopping list, depending on their ad. I was just wondering what everyone else's experience has been with TRU. My only problem is they open at the same time as Walmart and that is where I usually start my shopping day. I have tons of toys on my list this year for my 3 year old and thought maybe TRU would be a great place to start this year. Any suggestions/advice?

    BTW - I am new to the forums, my name is Sabrina, I live in NC and it is great to know there are folks like me who LOVE BF and are already thinking and plannning.:D

  3. I am thinking of making Toys R Us a priority on my BF shopping list, depending on their ad. I was just wondering what everyone else's experience has been with TRU. My only problem is they open at the same time as Walmart and that is where I usually start my shopping day. I have tons of toys on my list this year for my 3 year old and thought maybe TRU would be a great place to start this year. Any suggestions/advice?
  4. I haven't camped. We usually start at Walmart and ours is open 24/7 so we usually go in around 2:30 or 3 and find our spot in line, usually at electronics or cameras...lol. I will have to remember to get a chair to relax in this year, i never thought of that. The index cards is a fabulous idea, I will definitely be using that one. Thanks for the info.
  5. It has been someone different every year for me. I went with my mom one year, which is the year my obsession started...:tongue1: Last year I went with my friend, which was great to have the company, but she isn't as hard core as me. I am thinking this year I will either try to talk DH into going with me, or I may go alone. I am afraid if DH goes, I will just hear a lot of complaining and he will slow me down. I think it would be good to go alone so I can get in, get me stuff and get out, move on to the next.
  6. I always go to Kmart on Thanksgiving morning before I start cooking. They usually have some decent deals. I don't normally buy much because I am waiting to go to other places on Friday, but it does help you get into Black Friday mode...:gdlicklips: I think last year I bought some leap frog toys for my daughter they were bogo, and some slippers and blanket for my grandma. I stay focused on other stores on BF, when I make it to Kmart, if I find good deals that great, if not thats fine too. I wouldn't make it my first stop in the morning unless theres is something there that you absolutely must have.


    BTW, i just joined the forum and am so happy that there are other nuts like me that are already thinking BF. I can't wait to see those ads. My name is Sabrina and I live in NC.:)

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