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Posts posted by brinak2005

  1. I got an email from her this morning. She got to page 67 last night, she's got about 10 more pages to go, so it's a big book. She will send it to me as soon as she gets finished, she worked until 2 am this morning trying to get it all scanned.
  2. The lady on Cafemom has finally responded to my message...she has her hubby scanning the book now and will send it to me as soon as they are finished!!!!!! Let hope everything works ok..lol
  3. What?!!

    They shouldn't be posting on Cafemom!!! They should be scanning their book and sending it to Brad! lol

    I have sent her a message asking if she could scan it for me, haven't heard back yet though....lets keep our fingers crossed

  4. I saw a post on Cafemom today that someone got one in the mail today....I didn't get mine though, so hopefully it's on the way. I hope someone here at Gottadeal can get a copy to Brad...I'm dying to see it.
  5. Thanks!!! I just signed up the catalog. I used to love this one when I was a kid. My brother and I would go through and circle our wants and give it to mom to pass along to santa..lol
  6. YEA!!! I live right on the outskirts of Greensboro, so maybe it won't take so long to get there!! Glad they finally built one around here. Now I dont have to go to the beach for the outlets now :)

    I live in kernersville, so I am hoping I can fit this into my schedule

  7. We have a new Tanger Outlet Mall opening November 5th. I was wondering how the sales are there on BF. I am thinking about doing my normal early bird shopping @ Walmart, Target, etc., go home to unload, then head to the outlet mall to shop later in the morning. Just wondering if the sales are good all day long or if you have to get there early too.
  8. I have about 75% of my daughters gifts bought, thanks to Target's toy clearance in July. 75% off.....great deals that I could not pass up. I will have to wait to see the ads and decide if I want to add more toys. I do need to get her more clothes. I made the mistake last year of buying mostly toys and wish I had gotten more clothes for her too. I hope to shop mostly for me and hubby on BF this year....lol. It would be nice to spoil ourselves for a change.
  9. I hope it's okay if I post this here. I have only discovered Target's awesome toy clearance this past July. I have researched it a little bit and have found some avid Target shoppers say that this toy clearance happens 3 times a year (January, July, and October). I was wondering if any of you have any experience with the October clearance, when in October does it usually happen? I know that in July it was the last Thursday of the month. I got some awesome deals...tons of toys at 75% off. I got most of my Christmas/birthday shopping done for my daughter. In total I got $200 worth of toys for $50. I really want to be able to catch it in October if it does happen. Thanks for any info.
  10. someone to go with to help him grab a couple things then get in the checkout line & hold his place in line, and if there's something big / popular that you want him to get I'd plan on getting in line around midnight, and a cart is a really bad idea at tru

    If they open at midnight this year like they did last year, I would suggest being there around 9 pm at least.

  11. Be there early!!! And if at all possible, take someone along that can be his cart buddy...lol. My friend always goes with me on BF, she doesn't have any small kids to buy for so she stands in one area of the store while I push my way through the crowd to grab things. It makes it a lot easier and faster without having to maneuver the shopping cart through the crowd people and all of their carts.
  12. First of all Congrats on your new addition to the family!!! I have personally never been preggers on BF. But I do remember 2 years ago waiting in line at the electronics dept. in Walmart, there was a lady behind me who was 1 week overdue...lol. Poor thing was miserable. Luckily we were very close to the front of the line, when the madness started, a group of us sort of formed a circle around her so she didn't hurt. Our electronics dept was a war zone before they put the new procedure in place last year.
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