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Posts posted by brinak2005

  1. I left at 8pm last year. Pulled the all day/nighter first time @ Walmart and I must say, one of the better experiences. We were warm, guaranteed a place in line with a ticket, able to snag from the midnight sale plus get stuff from the stores that opened at 5 & 6am BUT SO tiring! Oh how things have changed now.

    Been picking up stuff since the end of summer. So I don't know about this year. We'll see what the sales look like. If nothing is a big "must", we will get a little more shut eye and then head out at a normal time between 3 and 5am because I still like to be out with the crowds & kick off the season. :)

    Your avatar has made me hungry!!!! :gdlicklips:

  2. I have been reading everyone's thoughts on the midnight and earlier openings. I am not a fan of the early starts. I used to be able to get at least 4 or 5 hours of sleep before heading out and shopping all day. Now, we are gonna be rushing out after having Thanksgiving dinner with no time to rest after cooking and cleaning up.


    With each year having earlier opening times than the year before, do you think it will continue to change each year or will they stop at some point? I think the 10pm opening is absolutely absurd and can't imagine the stores starting earlier than that. An 8 or 9 pm start and I would have to say forget it.


    What do you think the future holds for Black Friday shopping?

  3. Yay!!!! Can't wait to get my new shirt. My husband took it upon himself to use the one I got last year as a "work" shirt. I came home one day to find him mowing the lawn in my BF shirt....which he had CUT the sleeves off of!!!!!!!!!!!! I think that day was the first time in 13 years that I felt like I could kick him to the curb...lol. He didn't realize the importance of that shirt until I didn't speak to him for a few days. :mad: Needless to say, I don't think he'll even look at my new shirt for fear that I might smack him in the head with a frying pan...:yup:
  4. Exactly. I would defiantly recommend the Wii for a 5 year old. We have a Wii and my 6 year old loves it and I'm looking to get my 11 year old an Xbox for Xmas.

    Thank you both for the advice!! I think I will go with the Wii, considering the price difference between the 2. If she really likes playing the Wii (I know I will, I'm old school when it comes to video games), I'll upgrade her in a few years to whatever the newest craze is then.

  5. WOW tons of freebies (after ECBs of course) I'm excited! I love starting each Thanksgiving getting bags of freebies at CVS and Walgreens!

    These are 2 of the most exciting ads for me!! I get up early on Thanksgiving morning, grab a newspaper and a venti white chocolate mocha from Starbucks, head to CVS and Walgreens, then home to cook.


    Question for the CVS/Walgreens shoppers......Are these deals available the night before Thanksgiving? I remember last year when I went to Walgreens (not a 24 hour store), I was one of 3 shoppers there when the doors opened and 2 of the freebie items were already out of stock before we walked in. Any suggestions?

  6. I am trying to decide between a Wii and Xbox Kinect for my daughter. We have a PS3 and tried the Move with it but didn't really like it. I know she has played the Wii and Kinect at her friends house, but not really enough to pick one over the other.


    I am hoping someone else has experience with both of these gaming systems and can tell me which one they would recommend for a 5 year old and overall family fun time. Also, which games have been the most fun for your children/family?



  7. You'd think people would just shop less in stores as most won't have gotten any sleep and won't be able to be able to do much shopping before they crash.


    In the "old days" (lol), you'd start shopping around 5am but you had some sleep beforehand so you could go all day if you wanted. Now you might have a lot of people hitting just a few stores until 3-4am, then going home to sleep and not going out again.

    This is definitely going to be my plan. I have to get some rest after shopping so I can start putting out the Christmas decorations. At least I know I'll sleep like a baby on Friday night :yawn:

  8. Now that we are hearing some of these insanely early opening times, what time will do you think you will be heading out to start your BF shopping? I absolutely despise these 10pm and midnight openings, but what can ya do? :P


    For us, it all depends on good ole Wally World. As of now, with the confirmed opening times, we'd probably leave our house around 9:30pm for the midnight openings. If there are any 10pm openings that we plan to hit, we'll probably leave around 7ish. I think the earlier opening times will have bigger crowds since people haven't gone to bed yet......what do you guys think?

  9. So now that the first ad is out are we gonna strike up the webcast tonite? Got lots of tools to talk about at Harbor Freight.

    I thought the same thing when I saw the ad. It'd be great especially since I haven't been able to catch any webcasts so far this year :mad:

    Too many activities going on lately for the family, but thankfully it will be back to normal soon.

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