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Everything posted by lakj98

  1. My mom went to the Target in Warren, MI. Toys still only 30% off there. I am going to go to the store in Farmington this evening to see if they are 75%. They were still 30% at 8:00 last night.
  2. Went to Target last night after DH got home from work. No extra 30% off on clothes. Toys were still 30% off. Even shoes and boots were still only 30% off. I want to go back and check today. I have to wait for DH to get home from work again cause it is -2 degrees here (-14 with the wind). I don't want to take DS out cause he already has a cough. My mom is going to the Target by her house (was also only 30% off yesterday). She will call me if toys are 75% off. She will stock up for me just in case ntohign is left when I get to Target this evening.
  3. Thanks. I was already placing an order with Kohl's. Just added this.
  4. I am debating if I want to go tomorrow or wait till Thursday. I have been to Target every single day in the last two weeks. Now my DS (2) has a cough. We are supposed to get snow tonight and it is going to be really cold tomorrow (hig of 8 degrees). Am I a bad mother cause I am thinking about taking him out to Target? Maybe I can talk my DH in to going to work late.
  5. My DD wants to go there so bad. She talks about it every day. Her birthday is in May. I was thinking about taking her then. My aunt lives in Chicago and has been asking us to come visit anyhow so we are thinking about going there for a long weekend. If you go let us know how it is. I heard they are very pricey there. My BFF's SIL went and she said she spent well over $400.00 there and it was just her and her daughter.
  6. I had a really bad experience with Sears last year, and am dealing with them again now. Last year my dryer stopped working. It would work, but was not getting heat. I too had purchased an extended warranty though them. Had my dryer for three years (purchased 5 year warranty). I scheduled an appointment. Sat home waiting on the day of, noone ever showed up. I did get a confirmation call the night before. When I called them they could not tell me why the guy did not show up. Only could reschedule. This time the guy comes. he was in the laundry rom about 5 minutes. COmes out explains the problem to be that we needed a new lent trap thingy. I can't see how that would stop the dryer form heating up, but he is the technician right? So hea leaves. I wash some clothes and then out them in the dryer. Guess what...NO HEAT! I call them abck. Have to schedule another appointment. They couldn't get someone here for another three days. Then they have to order the part. That took a week. Then have to have someone come back out to put the part back on. I was without a dryer for over two weeks. VERY FRUSTRATING!!! Now last week my washer quit working. IT wont spin. So I call Sears. After getting disconected three times I finally got to talk to someone. Set up an appointment for the next day. Guess what...they tech never showed up. Called back, they said he got backed up and I was the last stop. So now I am expecting them tomorrow. It is very frustrating. I honestly dont think I will ever deal with Sears again once my warranty is expired.
  7. I am hoping it is tomorrow or Tuesday (probably not, but I am hoping) cause we are supposed to get alot more snow Tuesday night and have below zero temps on Thursday and Friday.
  8. I have been having really bad luck with returns this year. Not just at Walmart. Today at Kmart. They were awful. Treated me like I was trying to steal something. All I wanted to do was exchange for the exact same product.
  9. Still 30% off here today. I know someone mentioned them not doing price changes on the weekends. I was out this morning and decided to stop by Target just to check.
  10. I went to Target. Still 30% off here. Yesterday the clearance toys were scattered all over the aisles. Today they were put together in a few aisles together.
  11. I am headed that way in just a few minutes.
  12. All shoes were still only 30% by me today. I scanned a few pairs (including boots) to make sure and they were still scanning at only 30% off. I want to get my kids winter boots for next year when they go 75% off. Last year I bought for me two youngest. Could not find the size I wanted for my oldest. When I had to go buy him boots this year I paid $30.00. that was depressing. I hate paying full price for anything. My plan this year is to buy a few different sizes. It will still be cheaper than buying one at full price. Then which ever ones dont fit him I will pass on to my nephew. I have four newphews that are close in age to my son.
  13. I signed up in October as well and just received my gift certificates as well as my rewards card. Wasn't this program only until the Dec 24? If that is the case what was the sense in sending out cards now?
  14. Just got back from Target. Doesn't look like they have even done much in the toy aisle at our store (Commerce Michigan). There were still lots of clearance toys in each aisle. They have not consolidated them yet. Those who are talking about the brrom. Are you talking about the dirt devil broom vac? I bought one on black friday for $29. It got mixed in with all of my Christmas stuff so it is still in the basement unopened. Is it really useless?
  15. We have this too. Lots of fun. The kids love it.
  16. Thanks for the heads up. I did not know that.
  17. TY!! My DD wants this one for her birthday (May).
  18. Anyone been to Toys R Us yet since the New year? I am just wondering if they are having any kind of clearance sale. I finally received my reward certificate from the Rewards program. I receveived $35.00. They have to be used before the end of the month. I also have 2 $10.00 gift cards from buying games before Christmas. Those also expire at the end of the month. Then I have one $3.00 GC from their birthday club that also expires at the end of the month. So I have $58.00 that I need to spend at Toys R Us before the end of the month. I can not think of anything my kids need/want from there. No birthday for me until May and my DD already asked for another American Girl doll so that wont be coming from Toys R Us.
  19. I buy ecobags. They have alot of different kind. I like the chicobags cause they fold up very small and I can carry a few of them right in my purse. I have a few in my glove box of my van. my kids carry them in their backpacks to carry extra stuff back and forth to school when needed. We have lots in many different colors. I also like the ones from Target. They are a nice size and I like how the bottoms are so large. I don't have to worry about stuff falling out of my bags with those cause the bags are more square like. I have bought a few from Walmart. Don't like them at all. I think they are made very cheap.
  20. I ordered from the before Christmas and I had my stuff within a week I believe. You could call them to be sure though.
  21. Thank you. I just ordered three books. Just so everyone know, the code for $3.00 off your tag book purchase, it took $3.00 off of each book for me. So it made each book $6.99. My total with shipping for 3 books was $28.54.
  22. WOW!! Can they really do that? Can they really tell you not to come back there? Do you think they would really remember who you are?
  23. Our store finally made it to 90% off today. Not alot left. I did get some stockings, a Christmas tree, LOTS of ornaments, some Christmas cards, and some candy. I only spent $21.00.
  24. I am going to return it while she is at school or something. I will just tell her that it didnt work right so I traded it for something better. My daughter is very easy to please and always shows gratitude for everything so I know she wont mind and wont think much of it.
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