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Everything posted by momlori

  1. With Best Buy - be prepared to stay up. No set times
  2. Too true. However there should also be a column that says you are not going out on Thanksgiving cause you got everything on line instead
  3. One order received one due today and 2 more on Friday. Almost done
  4. Received my order from early Monday morning. One thing off the list
  5. A lot of sales go on line eastern or central time. Check the online forum
  6. I received my shirt from the last contest. Thanks Brad
  7. Wonder why this took so long. Nothing I am looking for is here. Come on HD
  8. Yes I was wondering the same thing
  9. Be careful with the online ordering as a lot of orders tend to get cancelled
  10. Also, make sure you are over $50 after discounts but before taxes to get your free shipping
  11. I received my package but I am holding for Christmas
  12. It looks like I might get some of my order today - before BF Woohoo!
  13. I ordered a few items last year without any problems but I was not going for big ticket items.
  14. Just notified that my 2:30 am purchase has shipped. Yes!!!
  15. Still against it. I know other places are open on Thanksgiving and other holidays but I feel some of the specialness of BF is now gone and won't be back. In the age of electronics, quite a few people are opting to shop on line. I have ordered everything I needed so I will not go out.
  16. It depends on the age of the kids for the Kinect. Most older kids do not use it at all. What kind of games will they play will help you decide
  17. Just had to go back and get another order - stop me
  18. Just picked up some more movies that are priced matched to Amazon
  19. Got my order through at 2:30 Pacific then sleep
  20. Just finished checking out after a couple hours sleep
  21. My sister works here and I know they are on 12 hour shifts
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