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Everything posted by Aaron

  1. Yeah, not a SUPER SALE! but it does have .79 cent 2L which isn't too bad.
  2. Thanks for posting this!
  3. Link : http://www.gymboree.com
  4. They have some pretty good deals: RCA 26" LCD HDTV 720p - $378 8GB iPod Nano + Bonus $25 Gift Card - $197.88 Guitar Hero III with Guitar, Controller, and Game for Nintendo Wii - $89.92 The Eagles "Long Road Out of Eden" 2-CD Set - $11.88 Acer Desktop Bundle (17" Monitor, 1GB RAM, 160GB HDD, DVD-RW/CD-RW) - $498
  5. The only one I've seen lately is: 10% Off Select Items with the coupon code FUNSTUFF
  6. Buy.com has it for $79.99 shipped with new Google Checkout sign-up! http://www.buy.com/prod/guitar-hero-iii-legends-of-rock-bundle-includes-wireless-guitar/q/loc/108/204881078.html
  7. http://s3-external-1.amazonaws.com/wootsaleimages/Jumbo_Junkie_Universal_Jumbo_Remote_Control_%E2%80%93_2_Pack2hqStandard.jpg Jumbo Junkie Universal Jumbo Remote Control – 2 Pack $9.99 + $5 shipping http://www.woot.com
  8. Did he ever post the list or images?
  9. Yes, you're right about the online sale start date but has far as the coupon the e-mail states the following:
  10. http://assets.spirithalloween.com/images/spirit/shared/logo_spirit-main.gif http://www.spirithalloween.com The Spirit Halloween Store is putting all of their stuff on clearance starting 10/30/2007 at 50% off and you can receive an extra 20% off your purchase by using the code SOCIETY2 at checkout. http://assets.spirithalloween.com/images/spirit/activedit/Email103007imagesB/couponImage.gif You can also get 20% off in store when you print the coupon that can be found here
  11. I remember two years ago I went out shopping and then I was driving home and it came to me "Did I have to work today?" so I had to drive over to work and make sure no one was here.
  12. Service isn't THAT great here but T-Mobile is and well always be my favorite provider. Oh, when I bought my BlackBerry Pearl, RIM (the maker of the BlackBerry) was giving away a free ticket as well but when I got it in the mail it was really a B1G1 kinda thing. So, you had to buy the first ticket for $300-$400 and then the 2nd was free. So, watch out it could be the same company processing this.
  13. http://www.yugster.com/pimages/m/y0393.gif Atomic Digital Wall Clock with Forecast & Weather This sleek, brushed aluminum digital wall clock keeps perfect time and temperature. Shipping is only $5 on this item. Yugster Price: $24.99 http://www.yugster.com
  14. http://s3-external-1.amazonaws.com/wootsaleimages/Philips_Bluetooth_MP3_Cell_Phone_Headset1t7Standard.jpg Philips Bluetooth MP3/Cell Phone Headset $12.99 + $5 shipping http://www.woot.com
  15. http://s3-external-1.amazonaws.com/wootsaleimages/Canon_DC100_DVD_Camcorder_w_25x_Optical_Zoom527Standard.jpg Canon DC100 DVD Camcorder w/25x Optical Zoom $179.99 + $5 shipping http://sellout.woot.com
  16. http://s3-external-1.amazonaws.com/wootsaleimages/Phillips_Steamium_Wireless_80GB_Music_Center_with_StationbyvStandard.jpg Philips Streamium Wireless 80GB Music Center with Station $249.99 + $5 shipping http://www.woot.com
  17. Anyone have a HD-DVD or BluRay, I wonder what the better of the two is?
  18. I'll let you know once I make my way to get a paper.
  19. I remember when all the Atlanta stores closed, they had some good deals near the end.
  20. Eh. I remember this beast.
  21. I've been to the one in Destin, FL and it was just like a big store with normal prices.
  22. Thanks for all you guys have done to contact Wal-Mart! :)
  23. The place to find the most up-to-date coupons will be here: http://www.gottadeal.com/Coupons/Store/Kohlscom It doesnt look like there are many out right now, but keep and eye out for others to help with finding some for you. Thanks for joining!
  24. On this thought, how many people have been able to combine coupons? I know alot of coupons say "Can not be combine with any other offer, blah blah blah" -- thoughts?
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