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Everything posted by Aaron

  1. Yes, they are on their listo f participating merchants. See below: http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=90042
  2. Don't forget you can get this for $19.99 w/ free shipping with any new Google Checkout account! :)
  3. I'm not sure how good of an sucess rate this coupon has, but you can try 3599 too for 15% off. Also, you might try Holiday25 for 25% off your order
  4. Pretty good deal if you're looking for a cheap MP3 player.
  5. Not mine. The people at my Target are retarded. I had a coupon that was issued to me from Coca-Cola/Target from their annual Coca-Cola/Target Christmas Card and it took them 15 minutes to get it to work and it was their coupon.
  6. That's an amazing deal, you're not going to find a tree this big AND with a bonus wreath. Get it while you can! :)
  7. How do you get these? (e-mail, newsletter, etc) P.S. -- This coupon will expire tomorrow!
  8. I've seen this thing at Target, it was broken but it seemed pretty cool.
  9. We had too many ads. Our newspaper put double everything in most of the papers, it was insane.
  10. Yeah, we've never gotten anything good around.
  11. Someone thought it was a TV? Hmmm..
  12. That's great, you're not the only one that recieved great servie this BF-- which is great. I've had so many more problems with Best Buy than I've ever had with CC.
  13. Aaron

    FAST Service!!!

    That's great, its hard to find good service. That's pretty good - because it is the day after the day after thanksgiving.
  14. You can go here to find if any were available: http://www.circuitcity.com/rpsm/oid/196558/rpem/ccd/productDetail.do#availability
  15. I got there at 5:50 and I was in the first 200-300 people, and at 6:30 there was still bags. I opened my bag and didnt see anything in there, and I was standing there talking to my friends and looked down and I saw this sheet of paper in my bag that said "WINNER!" - so yeah, I won at $50 gift card. :woot2::woot2:
  16. If you didn't notice, most all of the Babies R Us items are at the Black Friday prices! :)
  17. The Buzz Club is like their newsletter/mailing list.
  18. http://www.frys.com or http://www.outpost.com
  19. Please continue discussion here: http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=89512
  20. We may even hit 4,000. :)
  21. Aaron

    All Lanes Open

    Our Wal-Mart has tons of ones open but the lines EVERYDAY are horrible
  22. Please read, http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=88680
  23. Anywhere you'd like. Anywhere in your About Me, Interests, etc. Let me know if you need help.
  24. Thanks for this info, I've changed it to the correct price. :)
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