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Everything posted by Aaron

  1. I can't believe I bought the iPod Touch and the next week the price went down AND a new model came out.
  2. I don't believe you can.
  3. Pretty good deal, but for $11 dollars more you could get a 1TB (1000GB) one made by Fantom for $99 at Buy.com http://www.gottadeal.com/Link/2014
  4. You got your wish, Office Depot is now been posted!
  5. Awesome, I wish we still had a KB Toys!
  6. Aaron

    Old Navy

    I sent you a PM, thanks for being a member! :)
  7. The one thing you have to watch out for with Office Depot is some of their items say "Minimum 2 Per Store" or something along those lines - meaning they aren't planning to stock many of those items (like the laptops, etc)
  8. Oops, sorry.. those ad scans are very hard to read.
  9. Sorry for the problem guys, you should be able to download them now.
  10. They are offering some deals online as well, so I would think this is only in-store.
  11. I've never had any luck buying phones from anywhere but the providers retail store because no one can stand behind the phone like they can.
  12. Sorry that it didn't make the ad listing, it looks like the person that scanned the ad allowed that item to slip off the page. I don't see it on the 7th page either, if I find anything out - I'll let you know!
  13. Well, that's no good - did they give you a reason?
  14. What do you need? :)
  15. Hope you guys enjoy!
  16. Ad Listing: http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/BlackFridaySales/Store/PepBoysAuto Scans: http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/AdScans/
  17. AD Listing: http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/BlackFridaySales/Store/Costco Scans: http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/AdScans
  18. LINK: http://www.shopbiglots.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3340829 or http://www.biglots.com/dealoftheday/
  19. Aaron

    JCPenney Snowglobe...

    Okay, good. I wasn't leaving the house unless they had this.
  20. It's still hard to find these things? Last year around Christmas I was driving from Columbus to Montgomery and stopped at a Wal-Mart where the truck had just pulled out of the parking lot. I walked in and saw the lady putting 3 Wii's in the case. It's the be deal-finders dream! :)
  21. Alright, I'm in the chat for a bit! EDIT: I'm bored, I'm out.
  22. I heard about this a few weeks ago from a friend, he said they bought out a Circuit City warehouse and these were included. Each store gets about 7 (if they get them at all).
  23. Great video! We just got done "entering it into our database" :)
  24. Thursday? We actually got that one done fast, enjoy peoples!
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