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Everything posted by Aaron

  1. Thanks for posting this. http://www.justicejustforgirls.com/
  2. You tell them when to call. As for if they will do this program again this year, I haven't seen or heard anything about them doing it again.
  3. Aaron

    our new walmart

    samisma, our old Wal-Mart had a HUGE craft/sewing section but when they closed it to rebuild the new Super Wal-Mart they opened another one and it didn't have ANY sewing/crafts section.
  4. I've never really hung out in Athens other than going to UGA but I would head down into Atlanta because I would think they have more stores. Yes, I'll be wearing my shirt for the few early hours that I'm out.
  5. Yeah, normally GD puts up the ad and Wal-Mart's Lawyers send letters over and then we take it down but this year Wal-Mart skipped the first step and just sent letters.
  6. Time out. Everything in stock from Halloween is .25 cents, no matter what? Wow, I'll stop by after class.
  7. Awesome, thanks for posting this. :)
  8. You need to save them anyway just in case the server goes down or we are ordered to take one down.
  9. Well, most of the time stores have the stuff on-sale that they say they'll have on-sale but there may be some stores that have in their ad "EARLY BIRD SALES - SO GET THERE EARLY!" and not tell you everything that's going to be on sell such as Wal-Mart. Last year and maybe the year before when people got to Wal-Mart they had small little sheets of paper that had some deals that had not be advertised.
  10. Aaron

    Home Depot?

    No, we promise to post all the information we can get, when it's available. :)
  11. Plus if they get your information, you're not liable for any charges.
  12. Aaron


    I'm not sure if they have BF sales, I don't see anything on their website about it or see anything on Google showing they've had them in the past, I'll keep my eye out for an ad-- of course I'll post it here if I can find anything.
  13. Our mall isn't on there but every other mall that GGP (General Growth Properties) owns is on there, weird.
  14. Best Buy has the 52" for $3,999.99, that's about the best price I could find, plus you get a free "home theater system" (http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?type=category&id=pcmcat135100050040) and free shipping.
  15. Same here, we've got 2 offices using 4 monitors (dual monitors) and they haven't given me near the problems that we've had with HP's business line of monitors.
  16. Great deal, thanks for posting this. We have a few of these at work, they're pretty good monitors.
  17. Got alot of great stuff like napkins for 70 cents.
  18. Whens the last time you've seen Hollister have a sale? Extactly.
  19. That should be better because then you can go and pick it up today in less than 24 minutes, right?
  20. I dont think hackers will be sitting in the Best Buy parking lot trying to get credit card information over the free WiFi, but I guess you never know.
  21. Most stores like Best Buy, Circuit City, and Staples have some type of WiFi running but I doubt that you'll be able to get into it. Now, Office Depot DOES offer free Wi-Fi at most of their locations, details here: http://businesstravel.suite101.com/article.cfm/free_wifi_at_office_depot
  22. Yeah, the older store across the river has it. Our newest one doesn't have it, but we have like 3 more being built, so we'll see.
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