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Everything posted by Aaron

  1. We need a CompUSA first.
  2. Nicee.. :)
  3. I got mine today.
  4. I can't wait to see SAW II. I haven't gotten around to seeing it yet, don't tell me about it though.
  5. I like the coloring. It's different. It looks weird in some places though.
  6. I haven't seen much of a selection. They do have camera's and such in the tech. section though.
  7. Looks like they list was their rebates are going to be for the rest of the year, see here.. http://www.acehardware.com/corp/102088_Nov-Dec_Rebate.pdf
  8. Right after this lovely deal is posted I get this message
  9. Fandango does offer codes even though I ever would of thought that they would. I found this one just a few minutes ago. Visit http://www.fandango.comLook up the place you want to see your movieGo to buy tickets (must be 2 tickets)Enter coupon code AMX1These 4 steps get you B1G1 on movie tickets! There are other Fandango threads, just thought we needed a more updated one, see the other here
  10. http://www.woot.com/Images/Sale/Western_Digital_Caviar_250GB_Hard_Drive-standard.jpg Western Digital Caviar 250GB Hard Drive $69.99 CLICK HERE FOR THIS DEAL! Note: This deal is only vaid 'til Midnight tonight (Saturday, Oct. 29, 2005)
  11. Thanks Brad! :)
  12. Yes, I did this one time.
  13. I've been on guarding them day and night now for a pretty good while. :)
  14. Eh.. I don't think the they're going to like this.
  15. People work at the company's and they get their hands on them early. :)
  16. Let me know how this goes, I might want to do it. I don't want to waste my money.
  17. It was fun to see how many people had visited today. Oh well. +1
  18. Good job Brad! :)
  19. I ate at Waffle House last year, AND I saw a famous rapper when I was there at 3 in the morning.
  20. They are the .99 cent frosty's -- right? There for 10 for $1.00 makes them .10 cents each. That's really good to me.
  21. Aaron

    Walgreens BF

    Brad, where are you? :)
  22. You should really work at Target.
  23. Maybe you could get us some lovely prizes!
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